deleted · 8 years ago
I used to bite my nails when I was younger. I don't have any thoughts either way on when I see people biting theirs. I stopped for the reason you said, it would start to hurt and bleed sometimes. I was able to stop by just will power. And i got myself a good set of clippers and i trim them weekly so they don't get long and need to be chewed. Like I said though. Just make yourself stop doing it and eventually you'll break the habit.
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
My problem is that they are not even long, yet I find a way to chew them! It's an old habit it will need a really strong power. I will try harder and control myself. Thanks :)
deleted · 8 years ago
Find something to do with your hands to keep them busy to help fight the urges. Like playing with a pen or doodling.
thethirdi · 8 years ago
Get some sort of tape and put tape on your finger tips
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
I'll try to do that more often, thanks again.
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
I though of that once but didn't do it.
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
deleted · 8 years ago
You could always learn to knit or crochet. That would keep your hands busy. If you're doing it because of stress or something like that, if you can address/deal with the cause then it might kind of take care of itself.
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
I want to learn crochet but I don't have the time. Keeping my hands busy seems to be the solution. I'm in college, so unfortunately stress is part of my daily routine. But thanks a lot all of you :)
deleted · 8 years ago
For some it's just a bad habit that needs to be kicked, but for others it's a manifestation of anxiety and stress. Check when you are most likely to start chewing. Is it when faced with anxious thoughts or stressful situations? Then "keeping your hands busy" aren't going to help solve anything. Herbal medicine or meditation can alleviate mild anxiety. Stronger medication can be needed when others symptoms such as insomnia, high blood pressure and panic attacks presents itself. Best of luck.
-A fellow nailbiter-
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
It started as a habit, since a young age maybe 5 or 6, but now it's out of control I reached a piont that my finger tips hurts. I'll admit that anxiety feeds this habit, but I can't take medications. So working with my hands "both" helps a little bit.
deleted · 8 years ago
I still currently bite my nails and they're extremely short. I haven't been able to stop yet, but I found that chewing gum does help you bite them less.