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rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Tf do those people eat
How does one not die from eating that
rawr_imma_dinoo · 8 years ago
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Nah. This fucker started it. America is gonna damn well finish it. We kicked their ass in 1776 we'll kick their ass in 2015
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Oh damn
Pebbles has 0 chill today
rawr_imma_dinoo · 8 years ago
Pebble 1 The other guys 0
deleted · 8 years ago
I admire you guys' pride. *Eminem's Not Afraid's chorus plays*
biscuit0883 · 8 years ago
well i suppose i'm a little late to the "pebbles hates england" party but gOD BLESS AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
I only hate England when fuckers like this come forward. Then i say lets press the little red button and nuke the fuck out of it.
ruiningtheeffect · 8 years ago
Can I press the button? Please?
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
ruiningtheeffect · 8 years ago
YAY can I press it now or should I wait
pebbleinthepond · 8 years ago
Press it whenever you want
ruiningtheeffect · 8 years ago
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
rawr_imma_dinoo · 8 years ago
Morning Bitches - Pebbles 2k15
kisnotundercover · 8 years ago
Am i too late? Because this person has obviously not researched anything. Diesel is diesel, and gasoline is gasoline, the term gas is short to say so that's what we say. If you didn't bother to look it up before you insulted an entire fucking country, then
you can go fuck yourself
texasranger · 8 years ago
Holy dog shit did i miss something
tgiesey · 8 years ago
reverend_meta · 8 years ago
but we can tell the DIFFERENCE between DIFFERENT and DIFFERENCE so maybe thou should learn DEFERENCE
rawr_imma_dinoo · 8 years ago
._. Lots of sass.