lost · 8 years ago
Hey everyone. I'm a long-time lurker, first-time poster. And unfortunately this post may be a little sappy. I created an account for one reason - to vent about a major problem I've been dealing with for quite a few months now. Basically, I told my male friend that I was in love with him, and he reacted quite badly. (I am also male, by the way) He began acting really mean and just plain cruel towards me for the longest time, despite the fact that we used to be the closest of friends. Even after he explained that he did what he did to try and "make me like him less", he continued to treat me like filth. I suppose what he was doing worked, because my feelings for him lessened significantly. But alas, something remains. I desperately want things to be as they were between us, but I know that'll probably never happen. I just feel lost and confused (hence my username). Anyway - why am I telling you this? I'm not entirely sure. It's 1:30am, and I want to talk to someone. So, yeah....
lost · 8 years ago
...That's my strange, awkward, petty tale of personal woe in an otherwise privileged life. Thanks for listening.
- lost
texasranger · 8 years ago
Hes an asshole.