thethirdi · 8 years ago
Write, read, rewrite, read, rewrite, read, rewrite, read over and over.
deleted · 8 years ago
Don't try to force things that aren't coming easily to you. Take your time with it and enjoy every moment of writing or it will turn into a chore.
mickymouse · 8 years ago
If you've got a basic outline, or even a chapter then try and work around it. Plan several potential plot lines that you could extend from that and just write what feels and sounds right. At the end of the day you can always edit and rewrite stuff.
mojockeym · 8 years ago
Thanks! I have the first couple of chapters, but I can't seem to get them right. I have rewritten them several times and can't seem to move on from there.
deleted · 8 years ago
Okay, here's the advice that's helped me get through writing a book. Don't. Edit. Trust me, you have the urge to, but it's really your way of procrastinating writing the other chapters. Write at any chance you get. Sometimes you have to force it, and it'll sound choppy and horrible, but you have to continue writing. Once you're done with the entiiiire story, then you can go back and reread and reedit. But don't edit until the end. You gotta push through the writers' block and the lack of motivation and you'll find yourself with a book.
mojockeym · 8 years ago
Thanks. That is my huge problem right now. I just edit over and over again.
americassuperhero · 8 years ago
I love writing! If you have kik, we can talk on that and I can help you! I can give you advise and help you edit if you want
deleted · 8 years ago
Also, much like what Americassuperhero said, I can help you edit. I don't have a kik, but I have Skype and Email, if you would like some help with editing or need advice. I'm pretty sure both my Skype and Gmail accounts are listed on my bio.
mojockeym · 8 years ago
Oh gosh that would help so much. Thanks guys.
countryhunny · 8 years ago
i've actually got 2 books on the go right now. how i started them was getting the idea i wanted then i just started typing/writing. in one of my books i'm in chapter 2 my other one hasn't gone so far
deleted · 8 years ago
I've entirely finished one book, and am in the works of another :) If anyone needs any advice, feel free to contact me.
jade · 8 years ago
Write down every detail you see in your head in order. Don't make sure it's polished or makes sense, almost have it as a script with a million stage directions. Remember that it's only your rough draft.
underyourbed · 8 years ago
Damn, y'all are smart. Can anyone give me advice on how to start a story ? I have an idea for an amazing plot and characters, but no idea how to start off the story. I don't want it to be cliché or boring and make people put it down before it gets good.
deleted · 8 years ago
I'd say just skip the beginning, or put in something halfassed and come back. That's what I always do, so I have a small base, but can work on the rest of my story.