deleted · 8 years ago
You should see what it's like in reality.
chu · 8 years ago
no thanks. I was terrified of myself in my dream and I don't need other people terrified of me as well.
chu · 8 years ago
well...not that people aren't already. But I'd like to keep that number from growing much more.
deleted · 8 years ago
I've seen many methlabs and heroin dens through the years while working. Most disgusting, disturbing and creepiest vibes imaginable.
chu · 8 years ago
Someone mentioned they work as a postal officer? Was that you?
deleted · 8 years ago
I'm a carrier. Even methlabs get mail and parcels. And going to the doors to deliver to those places is the worst. Once I realize that a certain house is just a druggie house I stop going to the door and only deliver to the box. I've had guns pulled on me and dogs attacking me, just smarter to not even go to the house.