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deleted · 8 years ago
Lol. The way you wrote this is funny :) What kind of work? x
deleted · 8 years ago
lolcats121 · 8 years ago
Hopefully i'll die.
deleted · 8 years ago
Serosenpai - work gets more difficult each year.You know this as well as anyone. And yh telling yourself your going to do it is easier than actually going ahead and doing it. I can't be bothered to do things but every time I leave it, I regret it. You might be in high school? There's probably a lot of things you do/can do instead of working but think this way.. you work hard now, when your work is a lot easier and less complex than college or uni style, then you will be in a better position of getting into the placement you want. So do this. Make small challenges every day when you can. And give yourself a time limit. With this time like say 2hrs for math, you feel more motivated. When you study hard coz you want to beat the time, and at the end when u feel like you learnt, trust me it's the best feeling. Be in control. No funsubstance, no phone & no games. 2 hrs when you work hard goes so fast you actually want more time. Good luck Serosenpai and have a have a happy new year x
deleted · 8 years ago
Lolcats121 - why do you say that? x
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Death or nothing can be a lot better than living
deleted · 8 years ago
Yh true at times lol. Remember the advice I gave isuckateverything on his chat convo? Do that and you will want to live. Also remember one thing namelessecrets. Don't give a sh*t about any haters. Live the way you want not the way others think you should.. unless it's for good reasons. When you have haters. That means they want something you have and they don't. Or they want to be you. Be proud of who you are, the way you look, the way you behave, your likes/dislikes. Be true. Be confident. Don't care about those who are worthless. Help them if you can. You matter a lot in this world. You just don't see it. And to do with work/stress/pressure/family problems. Just take it easy. Don't take it so deep. I always say Life Is A Game. Meaning.... you got to know how to play it. x
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Very wise miss dzrosex but yeah I'm okay just can see where they r coming from
deleted · 8 years ago
Good to hear hun xx is it night where u are?? It's morning now 11.20am
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Yeah 10.21pm here
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
R u American ?
deleted · 8 years ago
Live in London, England. Not english though x
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Oh okay cool I've been there
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Gosh 5 years ago now
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
I'm Australian btw
deleted · 8 years ago
Weathers annoying otherwise it's cool. You been sightseeing? Did you like it? x
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Yeah I did we hired a car and went to some towns as well very nice to bath and a trout farm
deleted · 8 years ago
That's nice. So you live in Australia? Would make sense for the large time difference between us. And there's loads of good places to go. I'm glad you liked it. You should come again. I live near Heathrow, wouldn't mind picking you up some time x
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
Yeah in Victoria, I might come live there for a year or so I'm considering it or Italy or Netherlands. Oh thanks that's a very generous offer since we only just met
deleted · 8 years ago
All places you mentioned are nice in their own way. Lol yh but I do really live close, so x