whotalia · 8 years ago
I just feel completely empty and have no idea what to do, I don't have the guts to cut myself and I won't end it, what am I supposed to do?
deleted · 8 years ago
You sound a lot like I did when I was your age. Getting ignored is my MO. First off, get the thought of dying to make it all better out of your brain completely. It's a pointless thought that won't accomplish a damn thing. Secondly, you don't need to excel in anything in particular to be successful in this world, all you have to do is keep trying and keep working hard and you'll go far. When you find things you enjoy doing then ENJOY THE LIVING FUCK out of them. I have no musical talent, drawing talent, or writing talent whatsoever but I LOVE listening to my music, I love watching cartoons and reading comics with the occasional book thrown in. You're not always going to be happy and cheerful in your life, you'll go through stages of depression that are easily manageable if you keep your focus on the big picture. Set some realistic goals for yourself on what you want to accomplish in the coming days weeks years and do what you need to do to be able to achieve those goals.
deleted · 8 years ago
It will keep your mind busy and won't let you focus on whatever negative is in your life at that moment. There's more to say that I can't figure out how to say but basically you just gotta take care of yourself so you can take care of what needs to be done. You're still really young and stuck in a bubble of sorts and your just getting antsy about life. Try to relax, meditate or whatever helps clear your head. A mindless activity helps me. You have a long full life ahead of you kiddo, keep your head up and everything will be ok. The best things in life will always shine through the darkness of the worst things.
akkward_panda · 8 years ago
I'll help you to get the thought out of killing yourself out of your head:
If you kill yourself you will be hurting your family beyond repair
akkward_panda · 8 years ago
Seeing as you are in school, you have so much too live for
Finding jobs
Leading an independent life
Most importantly, finding a partner
Having kids
Really, if you want to cry go on, cuz crying releases toxins that make you feel better.
But don't just think negative thoughts to make yourself cry, think of happy things, of GOOD memories. Make some friends in internet somehow.
Being socially awkward is nothing to be ashamed of. If your friends aren't talking to you, then it's their problem, because I'm sure ur an amazing person.
micboy24 · 8 years ago
WE all wanna feel connected.........the worst feeling is knowing that nobody wants u..........and they are living their life without u, no amount of "don't give a fuck" "life goes on" is going to change the fact that the feeling of being lonely is there deep down within us.....I get depressed so often its turning to a way of life, and i'av accepted the fact that depression is always gonna be around. D corner but that dsnt mean I won't fight it with d last drop of my blood......because I know a lot of people are counting on me to get better, I am what u call a "good for nothing" well apart from playing games ,watching anime ,reading manga but I believe am gonna do something that will make me a lotta cash and everybody that didn't believe in me will BOW AT MY FEET lol(thats what I tell myself whenever I feel suicidal) so don't die yet amigo there's a lot to live for.....(try to read some self-help books or apps)
I am also looking for friends too.....but I lack d social skills to do so
micboy24 · 8 years ago
I believe this site is not only for posting pictures and videos........make friends here I am sure u an interesting human.....my name is mikky, happy new year
zaneay · 8 years ago
If your problem is social acceptance, fret not. It's just like business - it's more important to sell to the right customers than the "better" customers i.e. just find someone who's like you instead of trying to fit in with the cool kids.
thethirdi · 8 years ago
Just be yourself and do what makes you happy. Find music or a video game or books that you can just shut the rest of the world out and have some fun in your alone time, so then loneliness won't seem as miserable as it feels now. It does get better as you get older. People grow up, including yourself, and you never know what might happen tomorrow. Just hang in there.
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
You said "I feel worthless", but within the context you said unintentionally that you are precious by saying "I need to take care of my mom" this sentence shows me how much you care about your mother and how intelligent you are thinking about her at your lowest point of your life. Taking care of the parents when they need you is, in my opinion, the most important and valuable thing anyone will do in his/her life, and having your mom by your said is like having a best friend for life because people will come and go but your mother will always be there for you, the mother is the best friend any girl can have, but that doesn't mean you don't try and make new friends it's nice to talk to people your age who share the same interests with you, and remember a lot of people around you feel the same as you do they feel lonely and socially awkward even your current friends might feel the same so don't feel like it's a shame to feel that way.
spacesurfer · 8 years ago
Also remember life is a combination of ups and downs and non of them will last forever, so enjoy the good times and learn from the bad times they are life lessons. And I wish you a great and happy 2016 ;)
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
A good way to lift the nothing makes me happy mind set is do things for the first time, within reason and stay safe. I have been where u were except I got to the point where I had the guts to seriously try to end things and hurt myself daily to keep me from ending it. The way I got out was by going to a phyc ward, meds and changing small things. I wrote a philosophy book, dyed my hair, started a band, made An anonymous YouTube channel and funsubstance, I started giving the people closest to me homework I told my sister to decrease smoking, my brother that he treats me like a kid and I get scared to share my opinion, got my grandparents to do small exercises and my grandma to draw as she won't leave the house and cries daily because she is stuck in the memories of her dead daughter, I told my best freind how to purify there life and get them out of depression before I could do it to myself, I went to designer brand and tried on clothes that made me feel like a princess,
namelessecrets · 8 years ago
I got lost in towns nearby and just spend days in my hammock, I learnt how to drive and cook, I set myself small goals and tried to achieve them but the hardest part is facing ur main issue mine is control and caring too much about others since I can't control them, for u it seems acceptance but my advice would be that people r stupid and self centered especially teenagers, all my freinds r seriously like 10 years + older than me because by then they have matured a bit. You need to accept urself first and find ur purpose, whether it be helping others, learning all you can, experiencing cultures and beautiful places through travel, writing, creating art or music, inventing or learning from the history. It's really hard to learn who u r when ur around other people because they influence u alot with expectations even if u don't realize so being alone isnt a bad thing but seek company when u need it.
secretkeeper · 8 years ago
Telling us to accept ourself and and find our purpose is a lot easier said than done, many of us have already created so many different personalities that we dont even know who we are even more, i'm happy for you that you have things in your life you can do to make yourself feel better, but that is not the case for everyone