Feels Talk
by fruit_salad · 20 comments 8 years ago
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morebacon · 8 years ago
Unload friend
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
I'll just copy and paste what I said earlier, okay?
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Lately, I've lacked the motivation to get out of bed. I see no reason to even wake up. My old hobbies have lost all interest. I still laugh and smile, but there's always a lingering feeling of sadness. No one has ever had a crush on me or liked me and I'm giving up on ever finding someone that loves me.
therainbow · 8 years ago
Check all and fruit's latest post she/he told me
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
I'm a girl
therainbow · 8 years ago
Ok then she told me and what I said is true I'm still fighting it
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Yeah. I've taken depression screening tests and all. They came back positive. I know I shouldn't beleive them, but it still kinda hurts.
therainbow · 8 years ago
Yea it hurts to know that but I know you're an amazing person
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Aww, thanks. Best compliment of the day.
therainbow · 8 years ago
Can I say more?
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Sure, I'll read it when I get back. I've got to go.
therainbow · 8 years ago
morebacon · 8 years ago
Sometimes meds help. I've been on valium for anxiety and zoloft for depression. I can tell a huge change while I'm on them. I tried to go without them but I have a chemical imbalance and it's way too much. Meds can be used as a tool to get you balanced, the rest is up to you.
therainbow · 8 years ago
I don't know you personally but from your interactions and posts I can tell your a kind sweet and beautiful young lady and if anyone says otherwise it's a lie some people will say get over it but I know first hand that it's not something you get over with overnight as much as I wish it did you need to look in the mirror and say I'm an intelligent beautiful and awesome person. I know you can get through this. Because you are awesome for even coming out and saying something. I hope no I know you can get through this I'll have your back the entire way no matter what.
deleted · 8 years ago
fruit_salad, I think I know depression well enough to get a few things out of the way:
1) please, please, i know people are just trying to be nice, but if someone says "Just be happy" "Your mindset is the problem" or the most crippling, "Why are you sad when [insert people with horrible situations] are [insert horrible situation]" Ignore them, Simply Ignore them. Thinking about and thinking that its something about YOU thats causing the problem is bullshit. Utter. Horse shit. Dont listen to a word of it. Also, About your relationships, try asking people out, boy girl, trans, fluid, anyone. Experiment romantically (Not sexually if you dont want to). You'll find that it's easier than you think. Over text/kik is fine, although in person would be better. Find someone who knows how to handle depression and ask them out. At first you might get a lot of no's, but eventually you'll find someone.
2) Please seek medical help. I get that if you live in the US its hard to find at an affordable..
deleted · 8 years ago
rate but if you can it is soooo worth it. I know from personal experience, thankfully being towards the end of a period of my life where everyday begins with "what did you do to deserve existence" and every night is "You didnt do anything today to deserve it" that medication and/or a therapist help a lot.
deleted · 8 years ago
While yes you should try to tackle your issue of depression head first with friends/family/therapist/medications, you shouldnt change any thing else about you. You are you. People who tell you changing you as a person will change your self-esteem dont know what truly low self esteem feels like.
aeacus · 8 years ago
Maybe not logging on as a guest and posting mean things might help, maybe it's guilt
chu · 8 years ago
Nobody loves me and here I am being the happiest motheryucker you'll ever meet. Just act as if nobody will ever love you and with that mentality, you'll get over the fact that you want to be loved. But how to occupy your time when you would otherwise be wondering what it would be like to be in a relationship? Browse the internet for fun and/or educational things. Homework and wikipedia are great time wasters.
thekaylapup · 8 years ago
Fruit_salad, that sounds very much like depression. Sometimes mess so help, and it is in your best interest to see a professional.
Trust me. Taking anti depressants is much better then just being depressed.