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americassuperhero · 8 years ago
Exactly. So it won't be "zombies" how we think of it. It would be "zombies" meaning, sick, threatening, crazy people.
deleted · 8 years ago
deleted · 8 years ago
Whoops.. I had caps lock on... sorry!
rarepepe · 8 years ago
Tl;dr Rage virus, not undead.
stoner2 · 8 years ago
Everything alive is undead...
rarepepe · 8 years ago
Undead meaning it was alive, then dead, then undead.
americassuperhero · 8 years ago
Why does it matter? If a zombie apocalypse happens, they won't be dead and then alive. They will be alive and then dead because hopefully you're not too busy trying to figure out how dead this person is and you drive your knife through its skull. If someone is attacking you, you fight.
stoner2 · 8 years ago
All I know is if a zombie apocalypse happens I hope they're walkers and not fast like I am legend
americassuperhero · 8 years ago
That would suck. But, they could only come out at night, so that would make it a little easier. But it would still be scary as hell.
texasranger · 8 years ago
You kidding the fact that they come out at night makes it HARDER fighting in the dark is hella difficult
chu · 8 years ago
A stupidity apocalypse
chu · 8 years ago
oh wait that's called teh interwebbz
americassuperhero · 8 years ago
I mean, if you only go out during the day it would be okay. I'm not THAT stupid! I would never go out in the dark if they were there too. I would be dead within the hour, if not sooner.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
Chu's playing it real smooth on his selection. Could almost be jazz.
timebender25 · 8 years ago
The memepocolypse. An apocalypse, of memes.

Basically, I wouldn't change anything.
otamega · 8 years ago
You know what else would be a cool death?
Superhero Apocalypse.
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
I honestly prefer Apocalypse Now
deleted · 8 years ago
I want a plantpocalypse.
To fight a giant pitcher plant/ Venus fly trap hybrid and survive with nothing but a gun would be cool.
I still want electricity, though
bishyboy · 8 years ago
A fall out
that_creepy_guy · 8 years ago
The Plague >:D