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deleted · 8 years ago
Anthropology. My school, and the department said it was the best way for me to graduate on time (it had just been my minor) and they said I could do a lot with it, like work in hr etc etc. Lies. All lies.
unicycle · 8 years ago
Celticrose, to be honest, I'm not too sane. My husband and I just kind of stumbled into each other, and believe me, I wasn't looking for a relationship but it just sorta happened. Though, I only have one kid, he was not exactly planned and came at a bit of an inconvenient time, but those happy moments with my family are what keep me from losing my mind. Also, I drink a lot of coffee. :)
unicycle · 8 years ago
Kayt68, in my country, university is pretty affordable so money wasn't much of an issue. I had double majored in physics and psychology and while working on my physics PhD I was doing a lot of work in the field as well. I realised that while I loved physics, it wasn't really what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So I went right back to school and got my psych PhD, which is the field I'm currently working in and loving it. Depending on how recently you graduated, you may be jumping the gun a bit. It can take a while to find a job in your field, but depending on your financial situation, getting an advanced degree might be a good choice in the long run. You can get more specialization and employers like to see commitment. Also, you might find that you'll get career connections through graduate school.
deleted · 8 years ago
Ah, in forget that education isn't as much of a financial burden. After four years here (USA) I am over 45,000 in debt. I've been out since may of last year. And I can't (right now) afford to go back and get even a higher degree in my current field. I'll hold off for now, and reconsider in the future. Thank you. Best advice from a unicycle by far.
unicycle · 8 years ago
Best of luck. I'm sure you'll find something :)
otamega · 8 years ago
What country are you from?
unicycle · 8 years ago
I grew up in England but I moved to Sweden a few years ago.
otamega · 8 years ago
Oh no wonder you said college was affordable T.T
texasranger · 8 years ago
What advise do you have for a single guy in college in the states who is looking for a possible spouse
unicycle · 8 years ago
Otamega, I do feel bad for people who have to spend ridiculous amounts of money for education. I wish I could give advice about loans and whether university is worth it but I haven't been in that situation, which is a blessing.
unicycle · 8 years ago
Texasranger, the best places to meet new people are: college, church, clubs, and charity. Just go to events and join clubs that interest you and you'll be surrounded by people who share your interests. You can volunteer in your free time if you like, and if church is your thing, go for it. I wouldn't be in any rush to meet your spouse, and you might find someone who defies everything you thought you wanted but you realise is perfect for you. Also, it always helps to smile. :)
chu · 8 years ago
"2 PhDs"
"Under 30"
Jemma Simmons? Did you quit SHIELD, marry Fitz, and start a family?
rarepepe · 8 years ago
So you are a woman that's into quantum physics and superstring theory and psychology? That's awesome. And under 30! Amazing
unicycle · 8 years ago
You guys made me laugh, thanks. :) To be honest, I had a lot of advantages and luck on my side and also a very stubborn attitude to keep me going. I hope everybody here can be successful in pursuing whatever dreams they have :)
deleted · 8 years ago
1.Did you hold on to your dreams as a kid?
2. Is your child a morning child?
3.What did you husband major in?
4. You're awesome
unicycle · 8 years ago
1. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist, and in a way I did stick to that since I do a lot of drawing and painting in my free time.
2. My son is definitely an early riser, which I am not. I'll sleep in until 2pm if I can but he's up at 7-8am ready to go.
3. My husband has PhD in software engineering.
4. Thanks! I think you're pretty awesome too! :)
xshadowxqueenx · 8 years ago
Do you know how to do taxes? Cause I'm gonna need help with that soon
aeacus · 8 years ago
Turbo tax is really easy
unicycle · 8 years ago
Taxes seem scary and confusing at first, but they should be organised in such a way that they are easy enough to fill out. And of course, there are plenty of resources online to help. Good luck!
rosalinas · 8 years ago
You are 28 and you have 2 PhDs!!!
And kid too
How did you manage it all?
What is your secret? What do you eat everyday!?