ruinedeffect · 8 years ago
The only reason to like Valentine's Day is for the discount chocolate the day after. The leading up to it shit and actual day is absolute hell especially when you're in high school and there's kids walking around carrying stupidly large stuffed animals and you're just trying to get to class without vomiting at the sight of 14 year-olds eating each other's face off
ruinedeffect · 8 years ago
Just putting it out there that I'm also aro/ace soo I hate having to see this shit all the time. And yes, pessimistic cynicism is my specialty
ruinedeffect · 8 years ago
I'm aware
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
who caaaaaaaaaares
its just fuckin February 14th
you shouldn't need a special fuckin holiday to do something romantic
thethirdi · 8 years ago
They way I see it, most people who complain they hate valentine's day are usually bitter single people. Just remember some people have to go through mother and father's day without one or either. Don't complain that you are "lonely" it just makes others think you are so pathetic you'd complain about it. Even if you don't like it cause your single, don't complain because, like someone already said, cheap as candy! WOOT
mcr101 · 8 years ago
I'd like to add in that I'm not single, by put I've never liked that there's had to be a day dedicated to show someone you love them. Though the cheap candy is good
aeacus · 8 years ago
Yea and while we're at it fuck celebrating the day someone was born on..... [sarcasm]
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
I may be single, but I don't hate Valentines Day because I'm single. I hate it for the same reasons that I hate the resolutions part of New Years - you shouldn't wait until the start of a new year to bring about a positive change in your life. Really, they're both just excuses for offputting something until later.
heygina95 · 8 years ago
I actually like Valentine's Day a lot. In high school I would hand out little chocolate hearts to people and tell them "Happy Valentine's Day!" And they would always smile real big. It's a day about love not just significant other love but love in general. You have family and friends that love you and you love them. I understand why it does suck being single on Valentine's Day, but it's about all love! Spread that around!