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deleted · 8 years ago
Love is real. But you can find it with just about anyone who makes you happy, who cares for you and who ends up making you care for them, makes you feel safe and comfortable,
There is no 'the one', so choose carefully who you should be with in a relationship. Its a commitment. Tbh everyone tells each other they love someone because they end up loving the feelings they get when they are with that person. You feel like shouting it coz you do honestly mean it, even if its just in that moment. Don't doubt that he loves you. Doubt that would you guys really love each other strongly? How long will this love last? Do you want it to end in something serious like marriage? Is he the type to want that too?And do you really honestly want this guy in your life/be ready for something seriously or just coz you know him now and you really do care about him. Always ask these deeper questions when with that person. Otherwise you hurt urself and him. He might be a good guy. Just not enough for you.
reena · 8 years ago
anyway love isn't real
deleted · 8 years ago
With ur feelings.. u might be the type like me where stuff don't hit you in that moment but takes quite some time for you to be genuinely upset/hurt/angry whatever, so you go around feeling nothing but maybe a little confused.
Or its because this was ur first relationship so its still a bit of a blur and your not sure how to react since it was a deep thing but now its ended.
If you feel like crying then cry. Never hold it back otherwise you get worse and youl lose yourself. If you feel nothing, just that something is missing, then do things that fill you up slightly til you get back into the normal state before him. Take control otherwise without him you feel like your just in the backseat. Do exercise each day. Draw. Dance/jump to loud music til ur tired and pumped. Run laps outside. Hang out with good friends. Go cinema. Watch that Deadpool or something u guys know will be entertaining. Go shopping. Do whatever it takes for you to feel in control and happy bout urself and life.
reena · 8 years ago
get this: love isn't real
deleted · 8 years ago
Fuck off lol
theodorerex · 8 years ago
If you don't mind my asking, how old are you and how long were y'all together?
rosalinas · 8 years ago
To Reena: so much negativity but that is alright... it's hard sometimes well, most of the time but it will pass no matter what you are going through
And I'm turning 19 this year it was almost 6 months long
chu · 8 years ago
drown your sorrows in orange juice
rosalinas · 8 years ago
but... i dont like orange juice...
chu · 8 years ago

Fine. Drink water.
rosalinas · 8 years ago
i just got hated for my lack of belief toward orange juice...
chu · 8 years ago
Orange juice is the good stuff. Don't get the cheap concentrate ones. Get fresh.
rosalinas · 8 years ago
i dont like the fresh one either...
aeacus · 8 years ago
Put vodka in it
rosalinas · 8 years ago
I have never tired vodka...
Would brandy work?
deleted · 8 years ago
Here you go rosalinas,
But the guy made it from the pov of guys so replace her , she etc with him, he .lol
thethirdi · 8 years ago
I've never been in a relationship, but I drowned my sorrows of rejection in video games and pizza. Almost more fun spending that time alone than with the person I wanted to date. And hell you're younger than I am. You got time.
deleted · 8 years ago
Thethirdi , you have similar experience with me.
djscar · 8 years ago
Watch movies filled with good looking (possibly) shirtless men, and appreciate their blessed genetics. Whilst having a steaming hot-chocolate in the aircon :)
rosalinas · 8 years ago
Good looking shirtless men hug?
I have watch magic Mike... both part
It was uhm... good I suppose