deleted · 8 years ago
Confront him about it. If you really do like him then talk to him straight up. Tell him how you feel and how he's been behaving with you and what the issue is.
You may surprise him but that's a good thing since u can have a proper convo on where its going. If he agrees, says that he likes you back and defo will get rid of her, make sure ur a little hard on him. Like tell him by this date u got to break up otherwise ul know it wasn't for real... Or if he acts a little annoyed or tells u that its not going to happen, or keeps dragging time along giving different excuses, then ul know for sure he was just playing about. He has a girl but he knows u like him or that u both have a little thing going on and its fun... Don't let him do that.
There's not much to lose. If he's not serious bout wanting u then he's not a good guy & u don't need him. If he is, and u 2 get together then congrats. But keep an eye out. A guy that has a girl but flirts with others aren't always the trusted ones.
thethirdi · 8 years ago
Don't date him. If he's in a relationship and he's flirting with you, he'll do that with other girls while dating you. Trust me, I'm a guy, I know how guys like him work. It's only gonna hurt worse.
fruitcakecat · 8 years ago
^^^^^^^ very true
djscar · 8 years ago
1) Don't chase/pine for him!! He will (most likely) do the same thing to you, so don't even go there
2) Nip the flirting in the bud!! Tell him that you are not interested in his games, and you want someone who ACTUALLY RESPECTS you, not make you a "side woman/fling"
3) Watch movies filled with good looking (possibly) shirtless men, and appreciate their blessed genetics.
rosalinas · 8 years ago
One thing, don't believe all of those 'i would break up with her, I promise' thing
If he ever dared to say that just be clear to him that when he is actually available then you would think about it if he were not, you are just friend and that is it
texasranger · 8 years ago
If he flirts with you and says he will break up with her for you don't date him whata to stop him from doing the same to you. If he'll cheat for you he'll cheat on you
antongustavos · 8 years ago
Im probably gonna get some hate for this, but I say, tell him, and if you really like him, go for him. but have in mind, he MIGHT do the same to you. But honestly? so what. yes it hurts being cheated on, but worse things can happen. people think, when someone cheats on them that the best they ever had cheated on them, when in fact, that guy/guy was never the best. you WIll find another, you WIll find happiness and love. so go for it, and if it doesnt works out or he cheats, get over it and move on.
texasranger · 8 years ago
I dont recommend putting yourself into a position to be cheated on it sucks. Anton has a very good point though someone is bound to come along eventually