spazz · 8 years ago
I think you should post it in the funsubsters section
sammi_totoro · 8 years ago
I was thinking the same thing
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Yesshhhh but make sure its in fubsubers and you're also in the picture
rosalinas · 8 years ago
i do like snakes a lot
(parents dont let me have one T.T)
sammi_totoro · 8 years ago
I have four
aeacus · 8 years ago
This is funsubstance unless they're wearing funny hats or something stick to Facebook or instagram
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago don't understand how the funsubters page works, do you?
aeacus · 8 years ago
Are you talking to me?
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Funsubsters* and yes. That entire section is dedicated to selfies. Although if you meant "don't post it in the normal section" then I agree with you :P
aeacus · 8 years ago
Because I do know how the funsubsters page works it's for user selfies. It literally says at the top of the page "What do you look like? Share your selfies here!"
aeacus · 8 years ago
If you take a selfies *with* your pet then yes by all means put it there but if it's just a picture of a pet and nothing funny keep it to other social media. If it's funny though yes share anywhere
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Okay yeah I understand you now I misunderstood you at first *puts on shades and does the pointing thing* we cool
ecumenicalmatter · 8 years ago
Snake? Snake? SNAAAAKE!... Oh, not that type of snake?
sammi_totoro · 8 years ago
Ball python