otamega · 8 years ago
1. Learn defense moves on YouTube/ online and practice with friends
2. Learn to use the objects around you as weapons
3. Avoid large groups at all times/ go a different direction than the crowd if there is a fight going on
4. Always know your surroundings
thatguyyouknow · 8 years ago
But you aren't white, you look indian
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
If you ever get into a fight, cheap shots count, and don't let them get on top of you. If you get pinned, do ANYTHING to get them off of you. Biting and poking their eyes give opening to run away. And never fight for prolonged period, fight to run away.
metalman · 8 years ago
There comes a point where sticks and rocks can become your best friend. I don't know if you drive or not but if you have metal keys carry them between your fingers like brass knuckles. If they make contact they'll be like mini knives when you make a fist.
To thatguyyouknow:
Regardless of what skin color any sort of racial violence can spur into a violence against anyone not of your skin tone. People who aren't white and who aren't black could very easily be caught in the middle and could be attacked as well by either side. When mob mentality breaks out all hell breaks loose.
deleted · 8 years ago
Thanks guys! Means a lot, I'll take what you guys said into account and to thatguyyouknow a common mistake by non african people, you see the sun is a bit different here, white people tan A LOT but if you had to see me in person you would be able to tell I'm white
deleted · 8 years ago
The issue is I've seen what they have done to other black people, immagrants to be exact. And it'z brutal... i am really scared for my life
deleted · 8 years ago
This is exactly the behavior I was just talking about in a comment chain. My advice is stay low and have a weapon you know how to use well that won't get you into too much trouble. A good sharp pair of scissors maybe.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
If you do punch anyone, don't grip your thumb in your fist. Put it out of the way above your second knuckles when you make a fist. And avoid punching anyone in the head. You're more likely to break your own hand than do anything else. Go for the gut, it's the softest and a sensitive target.
deleted · 8 years ago
Not gut, jaw or throat. Gut has the most armor in the form of fat and abdominal muscles. If you punch the jaw hard enough and their head turns fast enough, they will be knocked out. With the windpipe, it's obvious the effect of a well-landed punch. Also I hope you have friends
spazz · 8 years ago
Don't go anywhere alone, if you want to win a fight, hit the solar plexus (just below the sternum) it'll instantly wind them, or hit the temple (the dent on the side of your head, next to the eyes)
But, this is ONLY for self defense, and if you really don't want to fight, either talk them down or travel in large groups.