sparklecatbacon · 8 years ago
Ummmm, HAI. Sorry. I know who you are. But I would probs date her. You know and like I would marry her and love her and all that romantic shtuff. I'm bi so yeah. Both sexes all the way! I do also support all people.
missunknown · 8 years ago
HAIZ, same here, although I'd be to scared to actually ask her out so I'd just like wait, then if she doesn't ask me out, I'd just assume she doesn't like me, so yeah
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
I sit in the back of class and gaze at her until the day ends. At lunch, I watch her boyfriend wrap his arms around her and my own heart constricts. She seems so happy with him and her friends; I guess I just hope this crush will blow over.
missunknown · 8 years ago
I-I would probably do that too
sparklecatbacon · 8 years ago
Woah. This got intense very quickly.
missunknown · 8 years ago
I actually do do that. But she broke up with Aamara, because Aamara had cheated on her, but they're still friends, but now it's just....awkward
spazz · 8 years ago
I don't really know, since I can't react to crushes of the opposite sex either xD
missunknown · 8 years ago
Haha lol
rosalinas · 8 years ago
Eh... feeling horrible bc she is straight and also in a relationship
So I'm kinda suuu deep in the friendzone
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Oh god same here rosalinas
missunknown · 8 years ago
Same here
notsosure · 8 years ago
Being bi I wouldn't mind at all :^)
rosalinas · 8 years ago
you would mind a little when you fall in love with someone that has the same sex as you and also straight as hell
sparklecatbacon · 8 years ago
I know that feeling...
missunknown · 8 years ago
I do too
demon_razgriz · 8 years ago
Whether its sexual or romantic attraction
If its mainly sex based, it might work out, but when you start talking things can fall apart
Romantic, just go for it. It means you're connected on a special level, you know the person well, like you've grown up with them since forever, and you're always there for one another :)
Long story short, if you think you've fallen in love, JUST DO IT (Shia Le Bouf - Meme -2K15)