mali · 8 years ago
FYI, my answer is no.
deathfox393 · 8 years ago
I'm not sure, because i haven't reached the edges of my life yet
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
Well what is the other option? Just simply not existing?
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
It's odd; a classmate of mine recently wrote a story about this. My personal answer would be yes because it's better than just not existing. I imagine floating through the ethereal plains of space would become quite boring after a while.
missunknown · 8 years ago
No. I would definitely say no. It's embarrassing to live here, in a society run by money and hate. My life isn't that great either, I would say no. I've been shot down, and my parents are dead. My aunt and uncle are rude. And the world is only gonna get worse and worse. By the time I would be eighteen, I'd probably be dead from suicide, or even sixteen. But if I did live to say my eighties, the world would definitely not be any healthier, we're basically all doomed if we don't act soon, because people are getting dumber, and sooner or later we'll all be getting fast food jobs and we'll just eventually start to die off.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
I would choose yes. Better to be something, even if it isn't anything spectacular and stunning. Better to know what comfort and pain is than to know neither. A lot of people say the world is horrible, but they're only looking at one side of the coin. Sure, it's scratched up, it's ugly, it's the worst reflection, but why give it attention. Why feed it when you let a better side reflect onto you. A lot of doomsaying is said for every generation, we'll never amount to anything, society doesn't care, people won't give a shit about whether you're going through some tough shit. It's a coin. There are always two sides, and whichever one you pick to look at reflects it's blemishes and scratches onto you. Yes, life is painful, but so would letting my chance for existence slip through my fingers. Don't judge it on it's harshest trials. I'd choose life even if it kicked me in the teeth and took everything I loved and stripped me bare to my soul. There's life, and then there's nothing.
missunknown · 8 years ago
Jesus holy fucking Christ. you just changed my perspective
rosalinas · 8 years ago
I would say yes, bc I would never kill myself
And choosing not to be born to me is no different from suicide
But if there were a truck and bad thing happened, I would say it's for the best