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deleted · 8 years ago
This is obviously a troll/b8 account. Possibly the "less obvious" man account he talked about.
chu · 8 years ago
I dunno...man never struck me as the kind of person who would try to start a political shitstorm. He's the SJW/tumblrite shitstorm starter remember?
feeltheburn · 8 years ago
The only problem with answers like these is, he wants to keep ILLEGAL immigrants out, saying that he would date his daughter if she wasn't related to him isn't an argument at all and has nothing to do with politics, and bernie sanders is literally going to run the country into the ground because he only says what middle class and below want to hear
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Yeah this is just that man asshole. Look. You've been banned, what, 9 times? I honestly don't understand why you want to stay here in a community you obviously despise except maybe if you're a complete asshole or just straight up narcissist, the latter of which seems very possible. If you want a reason not to vote for trump: His tax plans will explode the deficit, he says we can save 300 billion on a program that only cost 75 billion (love that logic), he thinks he can kick out 12 million people (disregarding the fact that would be impossible, it would also net hurt the country. You can't just remove 12 million people who work at or often times less than min wage and expect nothing bad to happen), he wants to continue the endless cycle of radicalization in the middle east, commit massive amounts of war crimes, he would appoint the possible 2-3 judge spots with conservative judges who would let him run rampant. Those are a few policy reasons not to vote for him.
deleted · 8 years ago
His number of bans is in the double digits now. If the number of bans were a child of his' age, he would have spawn in fifth grade. He's about to graduate elembetary school with the number of bans.
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Trump is a perfect example of a fascist, and his methods for gaining support are frighteningly similar to Mussolini or Hitler. Replace Jews with Muslims and you see history repeating itself word for word.
"Hitler won't actually kill all the Jews" -NYT reported in the early 30's
"He wont actually kill al the Muslims" -present day media
"We must restore this country back to its former glory!"
-Both of them
"We must rebuild our military!"
-Both of them (btw we already spend more than twice the next biggest spender, china, on defense, we have the strongest military in the world by fucking miles, and we out spend the top 14 other countries COMBINED)
The list goes on.
missunknown · 8 years ago
missunknown · 8 years ago
He's a bigot
thexguest · 8 years ago
Do you really want a guy who doesn't really answer the questions posed to him and throws reporters he doesn't like out of the conference against Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping? You do realize he can't throw Mr Xi and Mr Putin out if he doesn't like them, right?
thexguest · 8 years ago
Also, explain to he how exactly is he going to make Mexico pay for the wall?
thexguest · 8 years ago
thexguest · 8 years ago
Also I read this answer elsewhere that I hope will make sense. Credit: Not to me
Genocide is not extinct. It has happened multiple times since World War II and the Holocaust. Look at Cambodia in 1975, Rwanda in 1990, Bosnia in 1995, and Darfur in 2003. Past Genocides - Armenia, Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur
It has happened so many times, in fact, that there are reconized stages in the development of genocide. http://www.genocidewatch.org/gen... The first stage is classification. Hitler began by classifying the Jews. Now, Trump calls for classification of Muslims. The second stage is symbolization. Under the Nazi regime, Jews were made to wear stars on their clothing. Trump has called for Muslims to wear identity badges. Stage three is discrimination. Hitler had the Nuremberg Laws, which denied Jews rights equal to those of others. Trump has called for singling out Muslims and denying them entry into the country for no reason other than their membership in the hated group.
thexguest · 8 years ago
He has propsed shutting down mosques so that members of the hated group cannot assemble.
thexguest · 8 years ago
thexguest · 8 years ago
If you want World War 3 to happen, go ahead and vote Trump.
thexguest · 8 years ago
Ivana said Trump kept the Collected Speeches of Adolf Hitler as his bedtime reading on his bedside table. Think about that. It suggests he was deliberately learning from Hitler how to use populist demagoguery based on promoting fear and hatred of members of another religion. And why? Well obviously in order eventually to become President, just as Hitler played on such fears to become Chancellor and later Chancellor-President as Fuehrer. Remember that Hitler became Chancellor of the Weimar Republic by perfectly legal and democratic means.
A man who deliberately imitates Hitler is a man to be feared should he eventually take power.
Credit: Not to me
Read the answer at: http://qr.ae/R9brMg
Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-used-to-keep-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-according-to-his-ex-wife-a6765391.html
otamega · 8 years ago
He always has a duck face. Like no, that's 2009-2013
thexguest · 8 years ago
Between Cruz and Trump though, I'd rather you vote for Trump.
thexguest · 8 years ago
If you insist on Republican candidates, I would suggest Kasich, he's by far the most sensible among Republican candidates, I suggest you go and check out his stands on immigration, abortion, foreign policy etc.