missunknown · 8 years ago
I'm guessing, it would sound like...words..like an echo, of what just made your heart break. Echoing from your heart, throughout your body. Ringing in your ears as everything around you fades, the sounds of busses, and honks, and people chaterring, the busy street noises fading away. Then, glass, or something fragile, cracking, to he sounds of those words, as the words get louder and louder, and the glass, or your heart, is breaking more and more until it's broke, and done for
deleted · 8 years ago
Deafening silence. Like being inside the largest empty building you can imagine with no sound whatsoever, not even your own heartbeat or breathing, just an unnerving lack of sound.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
Loud enough to silence everything else. It has no noise, but nothing can penetrate the quiet it brings.
americassuperhero · 8 years ago
I think heartbreak sounds like every memory you have every had with that person along with the constant reminder that you will never make any more.
mrclever · 8 years ago
It sounds like glass breaking when she says she wants to talk. Like the frantic beating of your heart when she tells you it's over. It sounds like the startled breath you take when you realise she's serious. It sounds like desperation when you plead, like a shout when she says there's someone else, and then like a gunshot when she slams the door. It's her car, pulling out of the driveway, and it's everything on the table being swept to the floor. It sounds like silence, in a place where there should be sound, and it sounds like something you'll never hear again.
random_kitty · 8 years ago
thethirdi · 8 years ago
Kinda hard to associate with a sound. But I can associate it with a phrase that happened to me "no, eww gross" kinda funny thinking back on it
spazz · 8 years ago
I imagine a cracking sound, or an elastic band snapping
floptart2016 · 8 years ago
it sounds like the sound of a garbage truck running over smoll animals
wayward_vagabond · 8 years ago
I imagine it sounds like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S21ZSsC21U
chu · 8 years ago
I'm inclined to agree with tarot in that it's a silence that muffles everything like heavily falling snow except not in a feel-good sort of way.
floptart2016 · 8 years ago
caramel · 8 years ago
To me it sounds like when all the blood rushes to your head and the only sound you hear is your heart beating loudly, and suddenly silence. Followed by you trying to catch your breath.
floptart2016 · 8 years ago
oh. that was deeply true
deleted · 8 years ago
Empty, dead silence.
Heavy, bountiful tears
floptart2016 · 8 years ago
oh ok