the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
A dude I just meet at the time was flirting with me and I said "Dude I don't even know you" and he said "That's what first dates are for" AND IF I WASN'T GAY AS FUCK MY PANTIES WOULD HAVE HIT THE FLOOR SO HARD THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN FOUND IN CHINA
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Okay this isn't really related to your question but in my head I pronounce your name as the_gayming_singer, but as singe instead of sing. Is that odd? Again sorry for getting off topic
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
"You're smoother than a frictionless surface"
i always take these things too literally