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deleted · 8 years ago
At least*
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
Yeah, I think you encounter a few lovers along the way, of both sexes
deleted · 8 years ago
Great! I'm happy now. So like fivesomes and eightsomes would be good too :)
I know you said you wouldn't write a book but honestly it would be a best seller. Ur good at story telling.
deleted · 8 years ago
Do u know the story of Sheharazad in the Arabian nights?
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
I don't. Please share
deleted · 8 years ago
 This Persian king found out that his wife cheated on him. So he flew into a rage and decided to marry a new virgin every day then behead them after they spend the night together. He killed thousands of women. One day he saw Sheharazaad and wanted to marry her too. She was the vizier's daughter. The father disagreed but he would be killed and anyway she was very clever, witty, had a great charm, and had this amasing ability to tell stories. She married the king and told him stories each night but only half of it so then he would want to hear the end the next day and would delay her beheading. This went on for 1,001 nights until the king fell in love with her and had her truly as his queen. He stopped the killing because of her. She knew this would work. She made those stories with Sinbad and Aladin and so many more. If you read her stories they might not make sense coz they were translated straight from arabic but wow they are gripping and quite harsh.
deleted · 8 years ago
Mostly to do with sex, killing and cutting lol. It was banned for women to read them in Iraq. Dad had 1 and I got to read it.
leviv · 8 years ago
slamdunky, I hate to do this to you but I'm curious. what about me?
barbaragordon · 8 years ago
So do I become the Oracle of the future? The shadowy dispatcher and informer for the rebellion?
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
Worry not folks, your stories will be told. I have other matters to attend to first, so please be patient.
spazz · 8 years ago
XD this is cracking me up
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
Before I continue, I'd like to say thank you for reading this far. You either have no life (like me!) or appreciate some crazy old man's stories on the Internet. Also, thank you Dzro for telling me about Sheharazaad, that sounds interesting as fuck.
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
Leviv, when Les Miserables is inevitably remade by Hollywood, you take Hugh Jackman's place, as he is off fighting crime at this stage. Your performance is outstanding, and you rise to fame and walk on red carpets around the globe. You even star in The Revenant 2: Bear Attack as Hugh Glass, because Leonardo DiCaprio stopped acting after winning a second Oscar due to being so happy. You meet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, and other world leaders, who are all fans of your work. You go down in history as one of the greatest actors of our time. The only bad thing that really happens to you is that your statue in New York (positioned in Times Square, you magnificent bastard) is famously defaced with googly eyes, which was unanimously decided by the people to be kept up.
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
Ms Gordon, when your crime fighting days are over, and you tire of wheelchair-based support, you open a factory that knits various clothing items of high quality. Business booms, and so does the economy, and you benefit financially. Your startup knitting circle is purchased by the 9Gag Conglomerate, and your popularity with the Meme Generation rises faster than Hitler did. A great tragedy awaits you, however. When Bruce Wayne passes in 2053, his identity and therefore all of his associate's comes into public view. Tim, Dick, and Damien are all arrested for vigilantism, as are you. Despite your efforts to keep Gotham safe, you are tried by the Feminist People's Court and are found guilty of micro-aggression and misgendering, resulting in death by fat shaming (which is, you are shamed by a crowd of ex-Tumblrinas while simultaneously being pelted with stones.) You do some good, but nobody cares. Sorry.
deleted · 8 years ago
You're welcome Slam.
leviv · 8 years ago
thank you slam
deleted · 8 years ago
I'll bite, what happens?
slamdunkey · 8 years ago
Well CRF, if you go to the Chat thread titled "How long have you been on FunSubstance?" you can find your story written there.
Here's a link: http://m.funsubstance.com/chat/view/id/48597/
deleted · 8 years ago
What about the nuclear stuff you mentioned one time. Was that true or made up?
under_fire · 8 years ago
k but what happens to me? and how nuclear is the nuclear stuff in the future?