deleted · 8 years ago
My family fights over the turkey skin when we have turkey, and apparently no one else does this! They throw it out :(
deleted · 8 years ago
Hmm interesting, never heard that one before , where are you from ?
deleted · 8 years ago
I'm from Kentucky. And we don't like literally fight over it, but we divvy it up pretty evenly amongst ourselves and sneak bits off the turkey when my grandpa isn't looking
deleted · 8 years ago
Lol , well I'm Mexican and we definitely don't like to let anything go to waste , but no one says anything , if we get it then we're just lucky :p
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
My parents forced each of us to play piano and pick another instrument and a language and for some reason I thought that was normal
deleted · 8 years ago
Woah 0.o so what language have u learned ?
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
I went for French originally, then I decided on Spanish.
But all my training has been verbal, so my writing/reading skills suck.
deleted · 8 years ago
That's still more than most. Are you thankful for that nonetheless?
deleted · 8 years ago
That's true , it'll definitely help in the long run! Everytime I tried something new my parents never pushed me , I wish they would have , extra motivation is needed!
violence · 8 years ago
When I was growing up I thought my family was the only family that kept a plastic bag full of other plastic bags but I quickly found out everyone else did that too
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
I love speaking Spanish! I get to help my friends, and speaking with my sister (who speaks Japanese) and my brother (German) is really fun
antongustavos · 8 years ago
I wish i had named myself "JLannister" or something so I could make an incest pun now :(
deleted · 8 years ago
Lol @violence , my family definitely does that ! And that's gotta be awesome talking to your brother and sister in a different language , do your parents understand what u guys are saying ?
oreopandacupcake · 8 years ago
On the first of every month everyone in my family races to see who can tell each other "happy first day" first. I asked but no one else does it.
deleted · 8 years ago
That's a great way of keeping in touch with all the family, and I have never heard of other families doing that , that's pretty cool lol