internet · 8 years ago
loveless · 8 years ago
I think they are either migrating here. Or users have started adopting its way of life and started implementing wherever they can.
nerdsarecool1212 · 8 years ago
unfortunately yes, I think we're heading that way
deleted · 8 years ago
But at the same time there has also been an increase in the posts that "cause" such reactions. Especially lately, political posts and feminism posts have kind of increased that I've noticed. Usually all bashing something, and sometimes it's funny, other times it looks like propaganda
literallygod · 8 years ago
Sooooo here's the thing: tumblr has a lot more people that create far funnier things, so of course there's going to be many tumblr users on this site. Tumblr is also known for being accepting with its varied specific niches and acceptance means that people are used to being around others like them. This makes a really weird combination of "mean" people (those who contradict the tumblr users) and very popular tumblr users. I don't really know what's going to happen, but I'm being that FS becomes a spot for mainly funny tumblr pictures. Tumblr is funny, man.
unicycle · 8 years ago
I say no, at least I think there's always been an element of tumblr here since so much of FS content comes from tumblr. I also think your definition of tumblr is narrow minded and straight up incorrect.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
It hits the target though Unicycle. His definition is like a stroke of paint only over part of a painting. Tumblr can be a fun place to congregate, but that same quality encourages nastier stuff to pop up. People who like to shit on other things usually remain anonymous to each other, but Tumblr lets you connect to other people's opinions very quickly. The SJW's and Feminazi's fall into that circle, and it's not wrong to say that it does have that element. But it is unfair to lump it all the worth of the painting into one of it's many brushstrokes.
unicycle · 8 years ago
True, but you can find those kinds of extremists on literally any site, whether it be tumblr, reddit, 4chan, etc. Limiting their scope to just tumblr is ridiculous. Also, I think that most SJWs, feminazis, etc aren't "easily offended, butthurt, emotional pieces of shit who hate logic and think feelings say more than facts ever could," and it's incredibly disingenuous to paint a whole website like that when the small groups you're actually talking about don't even fit that description.
spartanfuffy · 8 years ago
FS is become more and more butt hurt, I have been on here for 2 years and the community has evolved. For the better? Not really sure. But it has to evolve to continue and I think that's fine. I find it annoying that users post propaganda and stuff to purposefully incite argument. But if you don't look at the comments it is manageable
undercover · 8 years ago
what's the point of FS if you don't look at comments? otherwise it's just a bunch of old reposted garbage over and over. the fun part of FS is the comments