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aeacus · 8 years ago
The thing is they need to open up.the channels.of entering legally. It takes wayyyyy too long right now to do that. Why does it seems like you are villianizing ALL illegals?
pokethebear · 8 years ago
So you demand instant gratification? Anything worth having is worth waiting for. There are many avenues available for legal entry, European immigrants and refugees use those avenues every day. Many Asians sneak over the northern border and South Americans over the southern border.
It doesn't "seem" like I'm villianizing illegals, by definition they are just that, illegal. Only some are violent offenders. Only a few have shot at my brother. Only a few have killed innocents for fun. Only a few steal identities. Only a few are evading arrest warrants. ALL have committed the crime of being here illegally.
aeacus · 8 years ago
You're putting the drug smugglers in the same category as the people who are coming here for a better life.
pokethebear · 8 years ago
if you woke up this morning to find three strangers had snuck into your house overnight. One was homeless and was only eating breakfast and washing dishes while one was poor and stacking your electronics by the door and the last was giving your kids cocaine. Would you call the police to have all three removed or just one or two of them? No difference. Illegal entry IS illegal. Apply for asylum. Apply for citizenship. Apply for a student visa. Apply for a work visa. When your visa expires leave or apply for citizenship. I work now and have worked with legal immigrants. They hate that the illegals feel entitled to the same protections and benefits that every naturalized citizen worked to EARN.
aeacus · 8 years ago
First of all, cut the my house crap it's different than that. There are citizen who steal and no one gives away cocaine... do you known that some of those legal immigrants you're speaking of may have actually.**GASP** entered illegally and then got their citizenship
aeacus · 8 years ago
My point is you can villianize ALL illegal immigrants and by villianize I mean painting them all as violent or drug smugglers or rapist because most are just looking for a better life, villianizing the ones looking for a better life is the same as calling someone who has sped once or twice a dangerous criminal
aeacus · 8 years ago
And what protections and benefits that every naturalized citizen worked to earn are you talking about
pokethebear · 8 years ago
Your first reply, then they are no longer here illegally and all is good. Your second, illegals have only committed one crime. If they snuck in with a pile of weed then raped somebody they are now up to three or more criminal acts. If you are imprisoned for murder for hire or for hacking private email servers you are still a criminal. The severity of the crime is recognized, but you are still a criminal.
Your third, Every protection assured us by our federal and state constitutions. Our rights to vote, free speech, protection, no warrantless searches etc. Citizens can hold jobs, drive cars, get help from the government when they need it, speak out against government policy. I would expand this and say that non citizens should be barred from owning real estate within the US.
famousone · 8 years ago
@pokethebear Damn right!
aeacus · 8 years ago
Tell me how citizens worked to earn a right to vote (which can be taken away) or drive cars, protection, or hold jobs. Also how do citizens earn a right to own property.
aeacus · 8 years ago
By your logic though the legal immigrants who may have entered illegally are still criminals because they entered illegally even though theyou became citizenso, your logic is a bit flawed
famousone · 8 years ago
You're grasping at straws now.
He's reffering to legal immigrants going through the system to be American.
As for your second point, the issue isn't them coming over, the issue is that unless they're in the system, there's no way of knowing or keeping track of who's good and who's bad. We don't want to let people into the nation if they're just leeches or scum.
aeacus · 8 years ago
I'm having a discussion with @pokethebear you can have your say but try to refrain from speaking for him
famousone · 8 years ago
I'm showing support.
If he wants me to stay out of it, bear can tell me himself.
aeacus · 8 years ago
"If you enter legally you can get free ESL classes, help finding legal employment, job training, housing assistance and the respect of 295 million legal US citizens. If you sneak in like a thief in the night you are by definition a criminal and deserve no respect and should fear the full weight of the law." -@pokethebear so even if the became a citizen they are still "by definition a criminal and deserve no respect"
pokethebear · 8 years ago
What? Are you intentionally missing the point? Naturalized citizens spend up to two years taking classes and a written test to become citizens and get drivers licenses and get jobs and pay for insurance and get assigned their own SSNs. Illegals who do not pursue citizenship do not. Illegals who become legal are admittedly a grey area. (Just a brainstorm here- Maybe, if after an extensive background check that is their only criminal act they have earned a pardon.) My personal opinion is that no non-citizen or foreign corporation should be allowed to own real estate within the US.
pokethebear · 8 years ago
I hope you copy pasted that instead of retyping, that was long winded to type the first time.
aeacus · 8 years ago
No I think you're missing MY point. You were labeling all people who come over here illegally as criminals but if they become legal they're not longer criminals but the contradicts what you said before
pokethebear · 8 years ago
I admit that small number falls into a grey area right now.
aeacus · 8 years ago
I will agree that while it is illegal to cross the border from Mexico into the US like I condemn the criminals and cartels for bringing drugs an violence but I feel compassion for the immigrants just in search for a better life and/or coming because their family is here.