So my song got played on the radio.
by deleted · 23 comments 8 years ago
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nightshadecat · 8 years ago
why not?
deleted · 8 years ago
Privacy maybe?
deleted · 8 years ago
Or maybe if he reveals his song, some people on this site would judge too harshly
deleted · 8 years ago
No, I don't care who judges. Privacy reaaons.
xshadowxqueenx · 8 years ago
Yay bass!!!! I'm so proud of you!!
deleted · 8 years ago
@xshadowxqueenx Thanks queen :P
deleted · 8 years ago
Whoo whoo
deleted · 8 years ago
Privacy and piracy reasons
deleted · 8 years ago
Privacy and piracy reasons
deleted · 8 years ago
Don't care about privacy. All my songs are free.
deleted · 8 years ago
huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
What does privacy reasons mean exactly
thatguyyouknow · 8 years ago
Aren't you that guy from south Africa called isuckateverything
huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
xshadowxqueenx · 8 years ago
Nope bass is different I think
deleted · 8 years ago
ggaaaaahdammmit no I am not isuckateverything for the last time :////// Stahp it. And privacy reasons mean that I'd like to keep my music and stuff detached from the site.
otamega · 8 years ago
Omg you can't just say your song got on the radio and not tell us which one D: (and congrats btw sounds like one hell of a milestone you've reached)
deleted · 8 years ago
I'm not gonna lie. I've been getting pretty big as of lately. Especially in my country of origin. Still tryna make footing in the country I am currently in.
huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
I agree with otamega!