huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
Most definitely not my good sir.
needmorec4 · 8 years ago
i used to imagine myself beating up a school shooter in class when i was really bored if that counts lol
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
I day dream scenarios all the time. Especially bored in class or something.
But fun fact, most martial arts classes tell you to do this so you can be ready in any scenario. (Though practice is key)
deleted · 8 years ago
So I'm not the only wierd one
fiestycricket · 8 years ago
Nah. I day dream of violence a little to much lol.
huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
I day dream about being a fighting master too much.
deleted · 8 years ago
*doesn't feel left alone*