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dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
K but being serious, do what rwby said, I have no other good ideas (aside from bringing a portable gaming system or something)
huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
A deck of cards.
rosebud · 8 years ago
I should do a deck of cards?
rosebud · 8 years ago
Where would I insert myself?
huinsaeyeou · 8 years ago
Oh right, I thought you said bring.
loveless · 8 years ago
I bring my ipod and listen to whatever crap I have there, and constantly skip the songs I put there once upon a time because I no longer like them until I reach the ones I do like.
I usually play whatever games I downloaded previously in my tablet whenever I have to take long flights. Sometimes I even store movies to watch later (and if the trip is ridiculously long I take my series with me, they are mostly anime series, but still... whatever floats your boat)
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
Bring things you can prank people with. Like have you ever seen roman atwoods tickle bug prank or a fake spider
rosebud · 8 years ago
What's the longest flights you guys have had?
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
Mine was 13/14 hours from Canada to Australia
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Longest I've had was about 2 hours.
loveless · 8 years ago
Non-stop? About 5 hours and a half.
Once a trip lasted like 14 hours, and it was not a transoceanic one, and we only had one stop.
notsosure · 8 years ago
My longest flight was 13 or 14 hours I think? I went to Germany. Anyways, I brought my 3ds, a book, and my phone which I had music, games, and like 5 movies I think lol. Bring something that relaxes you and that entertains you.
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
I mean there's always having sex but on most planes there isn't enough space in the bathroom
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Well there must be just enough room. How do you think middle class people join the mile high club?
rosebud · 8 years ago
okay so I took my flight and here's what I texted my dad:
The takeoff surprised me by how insane it felt. It felt like I was on a rocket ship to the moon. It was like there's nothing between me and a gigantic engine, that's how loud it was.
And the force at which we pulled up made me bury my face in mom's chest because I honestly thought we were going to die.
And finally when we arrived in Phoenix the guy would circle around the airport doing these huge dives where all you could see is houses out the window and the ground, and then the plane would just nose-dive for maybe 5-10 seconds and then pull back up. Not looking forward for Tuesday's flight home
loveless · 8 years ago
That sounds fun. There was this flight once where the lights went off for a while and there was a smell like burning plastic coming from the berry back of the plane. The pilot said everything was fine after like an hour into the flight. After announcing earlier the possibility we might have to land at some other airport because of reasons.
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Sounds like you were on one hell of a flight. Not even my first flight felt like that.
rosebud · 8 years ago
It was NOT fun because I have not flown in almost 7 years, and I was afraid to get up to piss because I didn't want to knock the plane over. I know, "banana, you can't knock a plane over, you're one banana!" But the turbulence fucked me up and I didn't like it at all.
loveless · 8 years ago
No matter what I think I will always hate the turbulence. My pessimistic mind will always come up with tons of ways the flight could go wrong.
rosebud · 8 years ago
the thing is, planes are built to survive more turbulence than they likely will ever endure in any of their flights. A lot of times, you can feel the plane shaking because you're near a wing or in the back, but the pilots don't feel anything because they're too busy actually flying the plane.