dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
My first idea was to actually be the Nefarious Dr. Richard Ew,getting myself a labcoat that can get as dirty as it wants, a fake (or real, idc) syringe and scalpel, and a pair of old reading glasses, hopefully cracked. Aside from that, there would also be some red dye for blood, and just an old pair of shoes.
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
My second idea was to be jack skellington from nightmare before Christmas. I saw a sweet suit I could get online, and I can use white and black face paint, black contacts, and a bald cap to make my head look like his skeletal cranium. After that, all I would need is black pants and shoes, and a pair of gloves.
Which should I go for?
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
I'm a bit biased bc I'm a disney (and tim burton) slut,but I personally recommend Jack Skellington.
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Lol the nightmare before christmas is my 2nd fav movie of all time, and my all time fav animated movie. I'm just wondering about the price, and the fact that I love the character of Dr. Ew so much and I want to make him a thing
deleted · 8 years ago
The dr. Ew seems more cost efficient. You could find most things at yardsales and thrift stores. Not to mention, it's an original costume, right? Hi, if you have the funds, jack skellington is an awesome costume when done right, and it sounds as if you know how to do that.
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Those are all very good points kayt. I'm just wondering which one I would enjoy more.
deleted · 8 years ago
Coin toss! Or both? Do one for parties and one for the day of/passing out candy/candy hunting
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Now I know for a fact I don't have enough for both xD
Also, I guess I could also ask my parents, since I need to do some jobs for some extra cash
bobo55 · 8 years ago
I went as my best friend and he went as me one time. It was hard because our skin tones are a lot different and he has glasses lol but it was fun
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Last year I went as 50 shades of grey. As in, I took 49 different grey paint samples from Home Depot and glued them to a grey shirt. Voila