rwby_rose · 8 years ago
I'm kinda scared. But I've been on enough plane rides for it to just become more tedious than anything. Just don't get a window seat,make small talk with the person next to you,and try to remember that flying is MUCH safer than driving.
deleted · 8 years ago
Everything rwby said is true. It's more tedious than anything. Just remember o breathe when the plane takes off and lands, those moments are the "worst" along with turbulence, and none of that is even that bad. It's like the trip up on a roller coaster. The pilots are seasoned. They do this all the time. :)
rosebud · 8 years ago
during my research I learned that pilots on average make 3 mistakes per flight
and the flight goes fine
And that while pilots are learning to fy, stewards are learning all about plane crashes and how to prevent them
but the daredevil part of my brain is like LETS SIT NEAR A WINDOW TO GET A GOOD VIEW
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Ignore the daredevil part if you get nauseous easily. But if you do it anyway,get the attention of a stewardess and ask for some water and a bag.
dimebag · 8 years ago
Chew gum it helps a lot with nerves and occasionally your ears popping.
I was terrified the first time I was on a plane. I think I was 8 years old, but my sister sitting next to be made me feel safe.