Which podcasts are good to listen to?
by rosebud · 10 comments 8 years ago
rosebud · 8 years ago
I would suggest the RT and Off Topic Podcasts if you're a fan of Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth. They both put out 60-90 minute podcasts about a variety of things weekly.
purple_sleevies · 8 years ago
How Stuff Works can be interesting
okami_ryu · 8 years ago
I like the myths and legends podcast or psychobabble
pokethebear · 8 years ago
Right up your alley would be Michael Savage. ;-)
steve_rogers · 8 years ago
Welcome to Night Vale is amazing
metalman · 8 years ago
If you line rt and offtopic check out internet box
needmorec4 · 8 years ago
The co optional podcast is great. They talk about video games mostly but they go off on tangents and are pretty funny. Look up co optional podcast animaged shorts on youtube if you're interested
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I enjoy Stuff You Missed in History Class, and, if you're into it, the Cato Institute (a libertarian leaning think tank) releases a podcast daily, Cato Daily Podcast!
tennant_and_smith1 · 8 years ago
Welcome to nightvale, wolf 359, the black tapes and T.A.N.I.S are all really good
asiannick · 8 years ago
Lore is a really good podcast. It gives the history of myths and the supernatural. It's really interesting. I highly recommend it.