deleted · 8 years ago
Not me, it was never advertised as multiplayer. They said you could find other player's discoveries, not directly interact with them.
deathfox393 · 8 years ago
I have computer version so I won't have it till tomorrow and I'm still gonna play it, I just feel like they could of made an easy multiplayer and still have the single player mode, The game just seems it would be even more fun if you could play with friends if you want
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
They'd have to pay for servers and code in the infrastructure of it all. it's costs that keep piling up, and despite all the hype for their game that's been flowing, I don't think they would be able to reliably make more money to pay for an online service.
deathfox393 · 8 years ago
What if we had either lan abilities, and/or people can pay for servers or host their own, much like minecraft does
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
Well, you could appeal to the devs for that. Reasonable enough, and could happen.