theodorerex · 8 years ago
Are you looking for something like an online therapist, or more someone to vent to? If you feel you're experiencing a crisis please go to this website:
deleted · 8 years ago
Not sure if it's still any good, but sixbillionsecrets used to be decent. If you search for chat rooms specifically for how you are feeling more may show up. Just be cautious, as not everyone is looking out for your best interest.
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
I wouldn't say its a crisis, I'm not exactly about to do anything. Thanks to anxiety and stupid mistakes my mind just keeps going there. I don't want to go to a crisis thing since I feel I'm not there, and don't want to take somebodys time when other people need it more, I just want to make the thoughts screw off.
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
I tried six billion but I can't get the website to pull up
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
Thank you, I'm going to try one of those
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I deal with pretty debilitating anxiety and a coping mechanism I use for unwanted recurring thoughts is journaling about them. Not only is putting it down on paper cathartic, there is a bit of a finality to it that helps me let things go.
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
I've tried it before, sometimes it works, sometimes I just feel silly.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I can relate to that. I've filled over 300 notebooks writing down conversations the way I wish they would have happened. It's ridiculous but I can't stop.
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
But it helps you? I mean, if it helps, its not ridiculous, right?
theodorerex · 8 years ago
Well I also have OCD. So I do a lot of things that help me not freak out, but they're not really constructive lol.
deleted · 8 years ago
"If it sounds stupid but works then it isn't stupid" by that logic you can replace stupid with "silly" or "ridiculous" and the same still holds true, so long as it harms no one. If you're stuck with thoughts and don't feel like writing, I can recommend some grounding techniques. They offer a small distraction from bad thoughts :) and it's good for most everyone who has even mild or temporary anxiety or depression to have a few grounding methods to fall on.
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
Like what?
deleted · 8 years ago
Well, a personal favorite of mine is the animal alphabet. Basically, a is for anteater, b is for bear, you get the idea. Go through every single letter, you'll get stumped eventually and that's the point. Then you can always change it, types of produce, cereals, TV shows, acquaintances...then you can make a scavenger hunt list (this has to be done in advance though) and complete it when you're stressed, like "something in the room that's...(cold, green, made of metal, smooth, rough, etc)" and find something. Theres another one where you pretend you're hosting a "how to" show and go step by step, and in great detail how to complete a task...pick an object and describe it in insane detail (diff types of plastics, colors, textures, smells). There are a lot more, doing a quick search of "grounding methods" will yield days worth of techniques :)
milksbestfriend · 8 years ago
Thanks :) I'll probably try those, especially the alphabet, and I'd never really paid much mind to the term, it'll help to look for more.
deleted · 8 years ago
You're welcome :) I'm always happy to try and help. I really hope you start to feel better, I know it's hard sometimes (okay, lots of times), but just don't give up, and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.