deleted · 8 years ago
I don't actually follow American politics (or live in America), but I find it hard to believe that someone who is supposedly "racist and stupid" has won 55%ish in polls and such. He's a businessman, he wants to revitalise the American economy. I'd say that being a Trump supporter doesn't make you dumb, but that doesn't mean there aren't dumb Trump supporters.
deleted · 8 years ago
Not american either. South african. And I agree with you. Although I do believe he is racist.
internet · 8 years ago
Trump may be racist and a bit dumb at some times, but at least he isn't corrupt like a certain someone.
aeacus · 8 years ago
Lmao isn't corrupt.... he just hasn't been exposed like hillary, and trump plays on people's fears too to get votes that's why he's garnered 55% some share his hatred towards some ethnicities and fear
theodorerex · 8 years ago
Well, didn't Bernie also play on people's fears? Trump claims it's the illegal immigrants, Bernie claimed it was the 1%
internet · 8 years ago
@aeacus i was saying that Hillary was corrupt, but ok
aeacus · 8 years ago
@Internet and yes I was laughing at you saying he is not corrupt. Also stating that he is but just hasn't been exposed like hillary. I thought I stated that well enough in my first post.
aeacus · 8 years ago
@Theodorerex hmmm, rapist murderers and terrorist vs 1% I think we both know which incites more fear....
deleted · 8 years ago
Sometimes even dickheads like him can say things that are true. You can still agree with some of the things he's said and still think he's a sexist bigot.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
@aeacus I was only pointing trying to point out that Trump is a demagogue, but so was Bernie
aeacus · 8 years ago
@theodorerex I can agree with you on that.
yogithebear · 8 years ago
Listen to any one for your self, allow their words to go in your ears ,allow your brain to process it thoughts and you form your own opinion quit listening to what everyone else is telling you to think and you'll be a better human being
aeacus · 8 years ago
Only sensible thing I've ever seen @yogithebear say