deleted · 8 years ago
Are you asking if it's weird to offer solutions or if it's weird to expect solutions to be offered? It's not weird either way I don't think. You're just a "fixer", which is usually incredibly handy :) depending on your problems though and the other person's own personality, they may or may not ever give you more than acknowledgment of your problem. Which also isn't weird, though, depending in the context, can be a sign of a person who is disinterested (that is very very context driven/situational though).
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Oh yay more paranoia than I already had
deleted · 8 years ago
Noooooooooooo. They probably just dont know what to say or how to help. You're too cool for them to be disinterested
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
I'm cool when the fuck did this happen
deleted · 8 years ago
I mean. I guess since you've been you. I think your cool at least. You're fun, that's equivalent to me. So...yea
theodorerex · 8 years ago
My parents had this problem for awhile. My mom would bring issues to my dad and he would try to solve them instead of just listening to her and basically saying "that sucks" so now my dad asks, "are you looking to vent or do you want me to fix it? Maybe you should ask your friends if they have remedies or something?