deleted · 8 years ago
What kind of conflicted? Advice: learn the campus layout asap. Call your parents through the week and let them know you're okay. Make friends in your major, and as for classes (as each college varies) ask students which are the more beneficial and be planning your whole degree roughly. Be nice to everyone, especially the custodians and the people working with your food. If you're living in a dorm, make sure to do the lame "room mate contract" and include chores and personal space issues
ruinedeffect · 8 years ago
Conflicted like I'm excited to go but scared bc I'm gonna be a decent distance away from home and it's kind of overwhelming atm. I've also felt emotionally detached the last couple of weeks so I'm basically just a mess.
Thank you for the advice! I have 3 roommates so we've already decided chores and boundaries and stuff so at least that's taken care of.
deleted · 8 years ago
I was really homesick when I started college. I went through similar emotions as you're going through now. Bring pictures of your family, friends, and pets to hang on your wall. And really decorate your room, or your side of the room (layout depending). The more you like your room the better you will feel. And you will have breaks in the school year to go back home. Find something to make you so busy you'll hardly notice the homesick. College can be a fun experience if you play your cards right. Most campuses even have counselors for people feeling homesick, among many other cool free (read: paid for in tuition cost) services like gym membership, discount massage therapy, etc. Definitely check those out.
ruinedeffect · 8 years ago
Alright I'll be sure to check those out. Thanks again for the advice!
deleted · 8 years ago
You're welcome. I hope you feel better about all of it soon!
ruinedeffect · 8 years ago