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rosalinas · 8 years ago
im a broke student ;-;
unicycle · 8 years ago
Reading this made me feel old yet accomplished cause I work in a psychological research clinic
unicycle · 8 years ago
Good luck to all you students though!
deleted · 8 years ago
I'm working my way into graphic design (still in high school though)
deleted · 8 years ago
@unicycle i always wanted to study psychology but, as for right now im first year student in electrical and communication engineering
unicycle · 8 years ago
@laksh_ayy If you want to study psych you should! I got a PhD in theoretical physics, then went back and got one in psychology and I'm so glad! You should study something you enjoy!
deleted · 8 years ago
I know but, i can't. Not rn, maybe later.
otamega · 8 years ago
If you don't mind me asking how old are you?
unicycle · 8 years ago
@otamega I'm 29! Maybe one of the oldest users on this site, haha.
otamega · 8 years ago
Omg you're frickin young considering what you've accomplished :/ I'm jelly
unicycle · 8 years ago
@otamega You can do anything you set your mind to! I realised that I wasn't going to 100% enjoy my life if I kept on that path so I made all the changes I could and was very fortunate that everything worked out. No need to be jelly as long as you're happy with where you're going; you do you!
deleted · 8 years ago
Damn @unicycle ur older then me
unicycle · 8 years ago
@lady_deadpool What I lack in youth I make up for in sarcasm and puns. I also make some mean chimichangas ;)
deleted · 8 years ago
YOSH MARRY MEHHHH!!! I'm only a few years younger
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
*dresses up as a minister*
Shall I host the wedding?
deleted · 8 years ago
unicycle · 8 years ago
I'm already married - oops! Still, I think I gotta go for it. You are Deadpool after all. I'm sure my husband will understand.
deleted · 8 years ago
He will absolutely
deleted · 8 years ago
That feeling when you know the field of what you wanna do but it's a big ass field and you have no specific goal
deleted · 8 years ago