rosebud · 8 years ago
it kinda depends on what it is specifically that you dislike about her. like, maybe it's the way she talks. maybe you don't like seeing new people with your ex.
whatever the case you should go out and relax, clear your head. go see a movie. what I would do in this situation is walk around the city and see what there is to see. maybe ride a bike. it's all about what you're interested in.
roxyanagnostou5 · 8 years ago
It's more along the lines that she was so quick to jump onto him the minute it ended between us and she's just been so rude to me even whilst him and I we're together. She's just not a very nice person. I would go out, but I don't have any money. So I'm not sure what I can do out on my own until 11pm
rosebud · 8 years ago
so just take a walk. Fresh air is always grand.
deleted · 8 years ago
Like banana said, try a walk. Go out, have some you time. Her petty butt can't do crap to you if you aren't there. Get some shopping in, have a coffee, treat yourself to a yummy dinner...the possibilities are endless, and far better than putting up with someone like that.
deleted · 8 years ago
Why isn't home the healthiest of aces? Are you bein a lil bitch (JK)
deleted · 8 years ago
Do you have a vehicle? A lot of times if I need to clear my head I'll just drive around for a bit. It does wonders.
yogithebear · 8 years ago
Wow, your house isn't the healthiest how about clean your fucking house, you don't like his new girlfriend because she replaced you you sound creepy you asked everyone if you could hang out until she leaves so you could go home I thought your home wasn't the healthiest but you're referring to his house as your home you are still hung up on him you creeper , all of your friends don't have things to do they just don't want your nasty ass coming over. What do you do? take a bath clean your house and move on with your life and quit wasting time on that loser ex-boyfriend
deleted · 8 years ago
Sometimes you need real talk. I feel like yogithebear hit that.