barneystinson · 8 years ago
Can I help?
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
barney pls
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
I need someone who can remove vocals of a song w/o making it really low quality or removing the bass (both things that happen using standered vocal removing software)
deleted · 8 years ago
Yo. What song?
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Well it's songs... It's for a musical I wrote. Most of the songs by the band "Fun." and I'm still trying to find some on the internet already but there are a few I can't find anywhere and those are the songs "It gets better" and "Take your time coming home" if you're willing to do this for me I would have 0 problem working something out to get you a cut of the ticket sales.
deleted · 8 years ago
Don't want cash. I do shit for free.
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
Dude I fucking love you
aeacus · 8 years ago
You can also look up the songs instrumentals