nightshadecat · 8 years ago
There are 5 Pillars of Tumblr are: aesthetics, fandom, social justice, memes, and porn. If we base the question from this fact, then I suppose the most tumblrish person would be (surprise) someone I met on Tumblr since their blog is a distasteful mash of all 5.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
rosebud · 8 years ago
I think her and calmthelovelytits may be the same person.
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
I dunno, might be, but it's strange how both went off into that end of ideals. I didn't mind them half the time until something snapped and both fanatically defended feminazi myths. Some of their comments before they started rambling we're actually pretty funny to me.
the_gayming_singer · 8 years ago
¤ _ ¤ If someone says I'm an SJW imma be mad... Triggered, you might say.
That was a terrible joke I'll leave *Drinks vodka bleach mix*
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
My brother has started going around the house saying triggered whenever something happens. One day he's actually going to be triggered and everyone's just going to laugh at him, so laughing is going to be one of his eventual triggers.
geluregis · 8 years ago
I think I've got enough memes, fandom, and porn to make up for the other categories.
cratergrave · 8 years ago
Any troll that goes around trying to get downvotes and arguing with people