chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm always really stressed and I would like to not be, but so far nothing has really worked for me.
morganwinchester · 8 years ago
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
I like quiet time alone. Silences any unpleasant noise and gives me time to think.
deleted · 8 years ago
Brutally murder your enemies, insuring that it's a slow and painful death. But honestly I would suggest finding great people to be around and get involved in great activities. If you look hard enough, there's tons of opportunities that may be life changing. I found that the more I surrounded myself with positivity, the less stressed I felt. I hope sophomore year goes well for you!
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
I like how shadowgirl thinks
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
Thank you all so much!!
(And I hope whatever year of school/life in general goes well for you too, shadowgirl :) )
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
for me, i get de-stressed by taking it out on something, so maybe take up a sport or punch your pillow like it's your worst enemy
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
Jerk off
jay2327 · 8 years ago
Say teehee in the deepest, manliest voice.
jay2327 · 8 years ago
In all reality, colouring is a good destresser, or doodling
geluregis · 8 years ago
Bake a cake
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
With Blake in a lake
majestic_yumps · 8 years ago
For Pete's sake, make a cake
geluregis · 8 years ago
It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake
chu · 8 years ago
chu · 8 years ago
actually seriously though I read somewhere that orgasming releases destressing hormones not sure about truth though
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Breathe deeply (not for too long, though). Go swimming: it's REALLY relaxing. Go for a ride with your bike, stop to buy an ice cream, then eat it under a tree in front of a river. Ask advice to someone you consider wise. Sit on the ground in your favourite room (this works better in the dark), put on your headphones and listen to the music you like the most... and, if it makes you cry, just let it all out. Surround yourself with people who always find the bright side of life. Sing and/or play an instrument (drums are the best). Go for a walk with your best friend(s). You can do it, I'm sure!