geluregis · 8 years ago
Armies are necessary and inevitable. I hope for a day that no one will ever need an army, but that day is far far in the future.
gwenpool · 8 years ago
So I live in Singapore, I feel like the army is a necessity for our country, if you google SEA, we're pretty much the tiniest country there. What was gonna stop the rest of SEA from invading us in the past? We had no resources (except humans). While I obviously do not support war, we need the army to act as a deterrence, and if absolutely, absolutely, need it, we have to use it. Let's hope the day never comes.
chakun · 8 years ago
The argument for armies is the same one as the argument for guns. If you outlaw guns, all that does is make law-abiding citizens defenseless against those that would do them harm. If you outlaw armies, what's to stop a country from saying fuck you, I'm gonna build an army and use it to take your stuff. You know what stops them? Your own army.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
The army in Venezuela is shit
tarotnathers13th · 8 years ago
I'm not against armies, or having a deterrent against conflict. Plenty of arguments against war crimes, which can be committed by army divisions and have been, The problem with saying there should be no armies is that no one will dissolve their military forces becuase it paints a big, naive, and vulnerable target to their country. What's to stop someone from rolling in with their army and performing a hostile takeover? What happens to all the protection you get by having an active military force? How do you curb violence against your country when you have no men and women willing to go out there and stick their necks out to protect the populace? Pacifism is nice, but what's better in this world is speaking softly and carrying a big stick? Render no harm unto those who harm none, and render hell upon those who would throw you into it. Removing military forces in this day and age raises more questions and problems that have far greater connotations, while only answering one problem.
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
This is a tough topic to talk about. Honestly, I wish that one day we will not need armies, but for now they are 100% necessary for a country so they don't get invaded
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Aye, armies are important. I do wish there would be much stricter background checks on people buying guns though, especially through the internet where one can obtain them with no background check at all