nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Breath in for 4 seconds, hold it for 7, then breathe out for 8. Or focus on your surroundings. Find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. I'm sorry this is 40 minutes late.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
It's all right but I'm having this weird shit like I feel my new life isn't real and it's just a dream and I'm going crazy with all the anxiety on my life right now
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Oh dude that sucks. I hope it gets better soon. Maybe try to feel things around the room (like your phone or a desk) to help yourself out of the dreamlike state?
barneystinson · 8 years ago
deleted · 8 years ago
Also look up more techniques like this. It's called grounding and it pulls your mind back to the here and now, but in the safe side. The physical ones work best for lots of people, but there are mental exercises you can practice too. Also, practice grounding when you aren't in a panic, because the better you are at it the more quickly you'll recover from an attack
aeacus · 8 years ago
There was a gif that moved and gave you instructions and how to breath with it
barbaragordon · 8 years ago
Sometimes you just have to ride it out. I get panic attacks a lot, and mine usually make me unresponsive to all external stimuli. It's basically impossible to regulate your breathing at that point, so all you can do is hope that people leave you alone for a bit to ride it out. One thing you should do is educate the people around you about what your panic attacks look like, and what they can do to help.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
I'm new at t h e school and I do think wanna get off as the weird kid that gets panic attacks
barbaragordon · 8 years ago
I get that. Most of my friends don't even know I get them though, thanks to my teachers. I would tell them about the situation if I felt it was about to arise, and they'd let me step outside or go to the nurse, and I could calm down. Anticipation is the name of the game, my friend.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
Well mine use to last an hour or so but now they last almost a whole day and I'm tired as fuck because I get reflux when I get nervous and I can't do sports I can't eat without wanting to throw up, my anxiety is killing me
barbaragordon · 8 years ago
Oh man dude. I've had some of those, but not in a while. If you want a short term solution, try getting more sleep. If you want a long term solution, look into neurofeedback. And no, I don't mean biofeedback. Biofeedback WISHES it was neurofeedback. Basically a computer monitors your brainwaves and "rewards" your brain for giving off good ones. Good ones being dependent on the person of course. But I can 100% vouch for it! I used to have almost daily panic attacks like the ones you're describing, and my OCD and Asperger's Syndrome were through the roof bad. But after neurofeedback, I get short panic attacks maybe once every couple of months, and I don't even qualify for the diagnosis of OCD or Asperger's anymore!
barbaragordon · 8 years ago
It's kind of expensive, but trust me, it works better than all the therapists and pills in the world combined! I would definitely look into it if you're having really bad issues, it totally changed my life.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
Nice I'll look into it thanks
wrath · 8 years ago
Humans have a instinctive reaction to hugs. Hugging a person having a panic attack will trigger those instinctive mechanisms derived natural reaction to how children would survive in earlier stages. We learned this from out CBT-expert professor as I was studying behavioral science... so, let someone hug you.
barneystinson · 8 years ago
I don't have friends so that's gonna be hard
deleted · 8 years ago
That doesn't always work, so unless you're the one with the emotions, don't assume you can hug someone, that could make them worse on accident. But if you want/need it then by all means don't be afraid to ask.