rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Well my favorite band released a new album and held a YouTube livestream party to celebrate so my day's been pretty great. But I'm sorry you've had a bad day! :/ Want some music or cat videos to cheer you up?
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
...what circumstances led to your dog loving the abomination of Jar Jar Binks??
@rwby_rose that's rad, man! Also, have you seen the new SU episode?
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Yasss to both. Assuming that the su episode you're referring to is "mindful education".
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Haha yep. The song in it is my favorite so far, and the whole theme of the episode was fantastic. If I might, which gem is your favorite?
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
My favorite...that's a tough one. But I guess Peridot? Mostly bc I find her to be the funniest of the Crystal Gems.
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
I love Peridot's personality too. Have you seen peridotsofficaltwitteraccount on tumblr? It's amazing
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Update: Now I feel like crap because I had a bad day so I was going to cheat on not having a late night snack, and my sister walked in on me and made me feel like a fat dumbass
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Yes lmao
Hey maybe we should start a chat for this so we don't bug dr.ew
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
@dr_richard_ew Oh man, that sucks. Siblings can be the fucking worst at times.
@rwby_rose I'm on it, m8
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
And @nightshadecat, I have a Jar Jar plush at home (Not because I like him, but because I had to give the company credit for making him look kind of adorable), and my dog walked up to it and started liking it's head. It got even worse when I put it on a table and he started to try and climb up to see it again
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Nah, she didn't mean to, it just made my self esteem go down the toilet. She's innocent, but it still doesn't help
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Your dog is... odd. Sorry about your self-esteem bro :(
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Tbh my dog is around 14 years old now, so the old boy is probably losing his mind lol.
But yeah, now I'm on the verge of not having snacks at all anymore because I feel like I'm going to disappoint myself and my family (whom I really shouldn't care as much about in my mind)