bornhulk · 8 years ago
Are you saying you're the artist that created them?
geluregis · 8 years ago
There's no single defined artist.
rosebud · 8 years ago
well, there is if he draws the pictures and submits them. it's him.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Actually, anyone can make a polandball/countryball comic. There is no official artist.
rosebud · 8 years ago
yes, but if he drew the picture and submits it, he's the artist of it.
geluregis · 8 years ago
*an artist of it
rosebud · 8 years ago
how is he not the artist of something he has drawn right then and there?
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Of what he has drawn, but not of all polandball.
rosebud · 8 years ago
When did I say he drew all of polandball?
I meant what I said in that if he sits down with a drawing tablet and draws a polandball comic, he is officially the artist and creator of this specific comic. I never said jack shit about him drawing every single comic, because I already know for fact that that is fucking wrong.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Not specifically you, born hulk. And I'm pretty sure that what glitch city means is that everything submitted to funsubstance is by him/her.
rosebud · 8 years ago
"Born hulk?"
the posts I've submitted to FS that are polandball (albeit there are few) have not been by him, but by artists on imgur and Reddit.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
I have been explaining to born hulk, not you.
rosebud · 8 years ago
oh I thought born hulk was an autocorrect of banana
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Damn you, autocorrect
glitchcity · 8 years ago
I never said I created EVERYTHING on this site, just that I returned and made more things to submit.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
I mean everything that you submitted is made by you.
candidatename · 8 years ago
Woo! Countryballs!