silvermyth · 8 years ago
Uh, well I'm not particularly experienced with this sort of heartbreak but y'know at least your crush knows and trusts you well enough that they can confide lovey-dere sorts of issues in you. Which means that they might like you at some point. And also, did your crush say who it was specifically? And how long have you crushed on this person? Is it a quick thing or something that has been going on a while?
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Dearest fruit_salad,
I'm very sorry for you!
You must be so sad and I'll try my best to cheer you up. Maybe I'll say trite things that will annoy you, but sometimes they are true, so please forgive me in advance!
Can you please give us other information about your situation? Like, is your crush a classmate? Your best friend? How has your friendship started? Is he/she having "just a crush" on someone else or is he/she really in love with that person? And ask yourself the same question about your feelings.
Anyway you now have to process this pain, just like grief: denial (“I’m sure he/she will change his/her mind.”); anger (“Di*khead, you should love me instead!” or "But the other one is so dumb/ugly!"); bargaining (“Maybe if I were more flirty, he/she would like me.”); depression (“I'm so hurt, I'm never loving again!"); acceptance (“I can go on without him/her, I really can.”). Can you tell which phase you're in, at the moment?
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
I don't know if you believe in something (destiny) or someone (God, Allah...), but anyway try to see it this way: this obstacle was given you to make you stronger, to build your character, your personality; to make you grow. Yeah, we always wish there was a better way to learn, but somehow pain is a bit more effective as a teacher than joy. I'm speaking in general, ok?
You wanted to be with this guy/girl: if you're sure you tried your best and you didn't succeed, don't insist any further. You took your chance, so you have been VERY brave. It's not your fault, you made NO mistake. You loved and you grew wiser. Now when bad thoughts catch you, cry. But try to cry less and less every day: don't isolate yourself and get/accept all the support offered by your family and friends. And ice-cream. And cookies and pizza! In this moment nothing like routine is capable of doing miracles: stick to your schedule (school-gym-walk the dog-going out with friends), one day at a time
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
and maybe you can add some activity that you always wanted to do but you never had time/will to do it. Playing drums is very satisfying, I'm telling you. And you'll meet new people and you'll have fun. When you feel lost and useless, breathe deeply and acknowledge that you are suffering, yes, but you are strong and you will fight. You are perfect the way you are and you deserve love. Maybe he/she is not The One, could never be or just not now: forgive him/her. Always take care of yourself (shower, makeup, clothes). You're young and the best (?!) has yet to come!
I'm sure you will make it through.
Sorry for the long blahblahblah and let us know how it's going.
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Thanks guys! I've known the person for a few months. The person my crush likes they only met once. I think it's a small crush, but I'm not sure. They constantly say stuff like "I love you" to me and it's just annoying because I know they don't mean it.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Well do you know that your crush's crush is a real person? Because it could be some kind of message.
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
They sent me a photo of them
silvermyth · 8 years ago
So they have only met this person once or twice na dithery already have a photo?
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Yup. A selfie.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Well, I hate to say but this isn't looking good. It is likely just an infatuation, and when that is over, there is your opportunity. Also, how much do you is know about the person your crush likes?
dimebag · 8 years ago
Similar thing happened to me recently. That's life, you get over it. More guys/girls come along.
deleted · 8 years ago
I'm so sorry
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Hey fruit_salad, how are things going? Have you talked to your friend recently?
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
It's ok. We've talked, but they haven't said anything new.
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
About their crush
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
Ok update: They got asked to homecoming by their crush
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
No way! Ugh, I'm so sorry. Will you be there, too?
fruit_salad · 8 years ago
They go to a different school, so no
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Ok. Well, your friend made a choice. It's hard, it's sad, but at least it's clear. I know he/she means a lot to you and now this whole situation looks pretty much like a huge injustice, but in an absurd way this will be exactly what you needed, you'll see. Maybe someday he/she will realise that you are his/her significant other... or maybe not. But try not to spend too much time waiting for him/her. Because you are AWESOME, really, and you deserve to be loved. Ok? Lots of Italian hugs :)