deleted · 8 years ago
Writing a test tomorrowm it's 10pm here. Haven't touched a book. Writing two tests the next day, math and economics. haven't studied anything.
deleted · 8 years ago
Loads of homework and preps for tests, I'm on this site instead
chocolateisgood · 8 years ago
I'm permanently stuck on procrastination mode
girlscamp · 8 years ago
@isuck479 i have the exact same schedule! Freaky! Good luck
deleted · 8 years ago
@girlscamp hold up. You're not from South Africa are you?
girlscamp · 8 years ago
Nope :P I guess its just a coincidence
rosebud · 8 years ago
I've been in procrastination mode since I was in the womb
deleted · 8 years ago
I've been like this all day about having to clean my flat...I managed to do it but it took me 3/4 hours to get motivated..