jess_yea · 8 years ago
Nobody? Anybody?
celticrose · 8 years ago
I have 2 cats, one siemese, the other a 20 pound black cat. And a 21 year old dove.
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Jesus bloody Christ, a twenty-pound cat?? And I thought my fifteen-pound ginger cat was heavy. I've got a little black cat, the aforementioned ginger, and a black lab. They're all a bit stupid.
celticrose · 8 years ago
My Siamese is a total dumb ass, has been known to actually run straight into a closed door.
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
Haha, my cats can't compete with that. Tell me about your dove?
celticrose · 8 years ago
Got her as a chick from my 5th grade science teacher. She told us they usually live between 8-10 years. She is now 21 going on 22. I swear my mother likes her more than me, and I know my daughter does.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I've got an 8 year old pointer/vizsla mix named Blazer. I got him when I was a junior in high school and convinced my school he was a service dog for 2 months before I was caught!
rosalinas · 8 years ago
i had a bat once :3
unicycle · 8 years ago
We have a pet goose! Raised him from a chick, now he fancies himself a guard dog and will immediately check visitors before they can enter the house.
deleted · 8 years ago
I've got a Flame Point Persian (Himalayan) cat who is about 8/9 years old called Mr Cookie Magoo and a Syrian hamster called Butterscotch. I don't know how old she is.
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
This is a FANTASTIC topic for a chat!!! :)
So, I have 5 hens (Ginny, Leah, Talia, Prisca and Rosa, 3 years old) and 2 honey Labs (Alastor and Maya, 3 and 2 years old). The two kinds are utterly afraid of each other, but recently Al has started to safely sniff Talia and she even lets him lick her. Let's hope for the best.
Anyway. We had 2 geese (Bianca and Bernie), but when Bianca was stolen the other one was so sad that he stopped eating, so we had to give him away (he now lives happily in my granma's friend's farm with other geese). I also have a family of 3 hedgehog who very kindly visit me about once a month (THEY ARE ADORABLE WITH THEIR POINTY NOSIES AND I WANT TO KEEP THEM ON MY LAP ALL THE TIME).
I kinda like cats but they also kinda terrify me, so whenever a stray specimen bumps into my garden I leave a bowl of milk and run away, staring at it behind the curtain.
And your pets? How are they??? :)
rosalinas · 8 years ago
i was a hen...
(cause people here mostly calls me Rosa)
deleted · 8 years ago
That's so cool! My mum has two hens, I've never held them but I've stroked one..they're surprisingly soft! I love Labs! OMG I ADORE hoggies!!! Yeah my pets are all good, the hammy is sleeping and it seems my kitty Cookie is lazing it today too
deleted · 8 years ago
I have a stalker jealous dumbass cat
He headbutt me constently, chew on my nose, meow like crazy and he do this weird thing where he slowly put he's paw on my cheek and kiss me
rosalinas · 8 years ago
deleted · 8 years ago
loveless · 8 years ago
I had 9 tortoises at some point in my life, and I named them all after Egyptians pharaohs or queens; my favorite was one I named Nefertiti. I used to have 1 doberman and 2 cocker spaniel, but they died a while ago. I now have a furball that most people refer as to 'a cat'