thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Um, not really... Is it good? How does it work? I'm much more into other sports, like basketball, volleyball and soccer (of course).
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
no but my cousin played college football and i attended a fuckton of football games without ever learning the rules and what the fuck they were doing
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Hahaha I feel you! My dad used to be a player so I suffered together with my mum.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I think it's good, I love college football! How it works: there are 128 Division 1 teams (the biggest schools are D1) that play in 11 different conferences. Conferences are made up of teams in the same geographic region, though there are exceptions. The general rule is that those teams that those teams with a record of 6-6 or better are "bowl eligible" meaning they are in contention to be selected to play in one of 41 different post season bowls. The 4 best teams (as selected by a committee) gain entrance into the College Football Playoff, with the winners facing off against each other in the national championship.
I'm also a big fan of college basketball. I think I like college sports more because to me it seems that they play with more passion, and there's more loyalty.
thedarkknightess · 8 years ago
Whoa thank you so much for taking time to explain!!! I know college basket is more... passionate, maybe? But where I live it's a lot easier to watch NBA matches and in time you get emotionally attached to the players, because you see them often and because of their personal stories. Anyway! Suggested topic for the next lesson: football rules for dummies. Poor, doomed you.