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needmorec4 · 8 years ago
Yeah I'd be great if we cold all get along and have it all just be sunshine and rainbows but that's not how toe world works. Human nature goes against that. We've become much too divided by nation, race, religion, etc that's there's no way everyone could just "get along." And unfortunately sometimes war can be nessecary bc of that
rosebud · 8 years ago
we don't live in Toe World
geluregis · 8 years ago
War is fucking stupid, but once it starts, it cascades.
needmorec4 · 8 years ago
^Why u should be able to edit chat comments.
nightshadecat · 8 years ago
No such as a good war, kiddo. Wars can have positive outcomes (like the abolishment of slavery in the US) though.
geluregis · 8 years ago
Though one could even say that slavery was a result of tribal war in Africa.
rosebud · 8 years ago
i hope heaven is a better deal than this. i didn't pay for this racist, sexist, homophobic bullshit.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I think you’ve been mislead as it pertains to Trump’s stance on the use of nuclear weapons. He has said that he would not use nuclear weapons, but that he wouldn’t take it off the table for anybody. As far as Kim Jong-un, he and the rest of North Korea have far less to lose than more free and developed countries because their political and economic landscape has, to some degree kept technological advancement out.
rosebud · 8 years ago
I still don't trust any of them.
Trump gets insulted whenever someone says anything about him. He can't brush it off. Some people would say he's fighting back but I'd say he's just triggered.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
The only thing you need to trust is that any country that launches a nuclear attack on another country with a nuclear arsenal almost certainly ensures an in kind retaliation. I can't fathom even a despotic leader like Kim Jong-un putting his citizenry at risk of a nuclear attack, let alone Trump. While I think Trump is overly sensitive in some ways, he is also on the receiving end of some very insulting comments. And, fighting back and being "triggered" aren't mutually exclusive, the insults elicit an emotional response and then he pushes back against what was said... He's basically reacting the way everyone reacts.
rosebud · 8 years ago
But he doesn't have to react every time someone says something. He doesn't have to be all "and this person, they're stupid. I could do their job 10x as good as them" just because someone says "I disagree with his immigration policies". It shows integrity if you don't respond to every nasty comment; it means that you are brushing it off. And in a world like ours, brushing shit like that off is a good thing.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
I'm not saying I disagree with you, I think it’s very unbecoming of him. But, it's a pretty far leap to go from "Trump lacks integrity as evidenced by his reactionary insults whenever he's met with opposing views" to "people like Donald are willing to throw societal advancement away in nuclear war and certain destruction.”
silvermyth · 8 years ago
Why do good conversations always turn to Trump?
rwby_rose · 8 years ago
Because humans are a pathetic species who can't seem to agree on anything for more than a moment lest they implode.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
Trump was mentioned in the first post of this thread, the conversation didn't turn to Trump, it started there.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
He was being used as an example. Trump is taking over many conversations.... Kim Jong Un is slightly more interesting.
theodorerex · 8 years ago
Exactly, and I took exception to the example because I thought it misrepresented Trump's stance and then we began discussing nuclear war and Trump specifically. While I do agree that KJU is more interesting, he's nothing more than an after thought to most people, whereas Trump is on everyone's mind (for better or worse).
rosebud · 8 years ago
I was the first person that actually referenced Trump.
silvermyth · 8 years ago
I know, you used trump as an example. Now, I am worried. It is just that he has too much influence.