Introducing the university of everything sinister
by deleted · 55 comments 8 years ago
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geluregis · 8 years ago
I'm tired of listening to your shtick! Even if you sound right, my heart tells me you're wrong! *fires gun at ooh's head*
deleted · 8 years ago
Dr ew, I never wanted to be, im not here for intimidation, I'm here for me, because this is me, I want you people to accept me for me, insane maybe, sinister yes, a babbling fool even, but what I say is right in its own way
deleted · 8 years ago
LET IT BEGIN!!! *Drones open fire* CLONES ATTACK!!! *Clones summon daggers and make the sky gleam with daggers*
deleted · 8 years ago
Also I am insane, the world would be so boring if I wasn't
deleted · 8 years ago
dude are you okay?
deleted · 8 years ago
like seriously
deleted · 8 years ago
barbaragordon · 8 years ago
I've gotta say Dr. Ooh, you're much more eloquent than your counterpart.
deleted · 8 years ago
Is anyone my young keeper, and you @aspy523, I welcome your insanity
geluregis · 8 years ago
*fires gun twice* What are you, Jared Leto? I know I can't be missing all these shots.
deleted · 8 years ago
Oh no, I don't think you understand. I have embraced the insanity of logic.
geluregis · 8 years ago
*pistol whips ooh in the face* This has to do something, right?
deleted · 8 years ago
I'm sorry my late frost King but no, and to you spy, I can respect that, to whomever has questions please do ask, I'll do my best to answer them
deleted · 8 years ago
I have a question, when does school start?
geluregis · 8 years ago
What is the source of your invincibility? What is your race? What are your powers? Why are you here? And *shoots* why *shoot* can't *shoot* I *shoot* hit *shoot* you?
dr_richard_ew · 8 years ago
Oh no! He can wield the power of plot convenience!
deleted · 8 years ago
Tomorrow young keeper, for now I'll be leaving, goodnight other Doctor, and to all of his followers
deleted · 8 years ago
no offense dr ew but the dude kinda makes sense, you're still my favorite doctor though
geluregis · 8 years ago
Plot convenience? That's no match for this other gun! *pulls out smaller revolver* Chekhov himself gave this to me, and I'll be damned if I can't kill him with this once I can get a good aim on him.
deleted · 8 years ago
So this was nice, I guess